Saturday, November 7, 2020

Take Yourself Seriously, Do Not Take Life Seriously!

Life is so uncertain; even though, we take it for granted. Life is so fragile; even though, we feel so confident about it. 

Life is mortal, even though, we never think so. I am not saying, we should take life seriously; however, we must understand that we have very limited time and make best use of it.

Through-out life, we remain busy in doing things that don't really matter to us. We forget to focus on things that do matter. 

Most of us measure life in terms of years remaining, completely forgetting a simple fact that there is no guarantee that our next breathe would follow or not.

Living seriously, we assume as if are going to live forever. Caught in a perpetual flow of decisions to make and events to handle on daily basis, we lose track of what a great living is all about. In a way, we take life seriously without taking ourselves seriously.

Constantly worried about unproductive things, madly busy in making money, we forget that those things have no relevance to living a purposeful and  meaningful life. 

As we grow old, we understand more and more, how important is enhancing the beauty inside us and growing our relationships.

So let us not take life so seriously, but ourselves. Let us do things that really matter to us. Let us live a life full of purpose and meaning. 

Let us respect the supreme intelligence, for giving us life. Let us be grateful to the Almighty for the gift of life.

That is the only way to unplug a never ending flow of happiness into our life, live blissfully and enjoy an ecstatic life! 

Watch the following videos, and ask yourself: "Am I Living a life, worth it?"

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