Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Life Must Be Celebrated Every Moment

Human life is a precious gift from the creator. During a discussion, one of my friends asked, “Who is the creator of all living beings?”

“Very difficult to answer this question; however, living a meaningful life with purpose is what matters.” I replied.

In my opinion human life should be cherished and celebrated every moment and not squandered. 

Each and every individual is unique, with their own set of talents, dreams, and aspirations. It is important to recognize the value of human life and strive to make the most of every moment we are given.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How Vandana Loved And Cared For Helpless Souls

The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon as Vandana made her way down the small, winding road that led to the quaint little Old-Age-Home, where she had been working as a caregiver for the past six months. 

She had always been drawn to helping others, and she found immense fulfillment in being able to assist the elderly residents who lived in the small community.

As she approached the bunglow, Vandana could see Mr. Jaishankar, the oldest resident in the home, sitting in the hall with a cup of steaming hot tea in hand. 

Mr. Jaishankar was a eighty seven year old man with a twinkle in his eye and a quick wit that never failed to bring a smile to Vandana's face.

"Good morning, Mr. Jaishankar," Vandana greeted him as she walked up the steps to the porch. "How are you feeling today?"

Mr. Jaishankar looked up at her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Vandana. I'm feeling just fine, thank you. Just enjoying this beautiful morning."

Vandana took a seat next to him and handed him a Dosa that she had made earlier that morning. Mr. Jaishankar took a bite with delight, savoring the taste of the same.

As they sat on the hall, chatting about the day ahead, Vandana couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to spend time with Mr. Jaishankar and the other residents of the Old Age Home. 

She knew that for many elderly people, loneliness and isolation were all too common, and she was determined to do everything in her power to make sure that they felt loved and cared for.

After breakfast, Vandana began her daily rounds, checking in on each resident to make sure they had everything they needed. 

She helped Mrs. Gayatri with her medications, assisted Mr. Narender with his morning exercises, and sat with Mrs. Sandhya as she shared stories from her youth.

As the day went on, Vandana found herself engaging in a variety of activities with the residents, from playing cards to reading aloud from their favorite books. 

She knew that keeping their minds and bodies active was essential to their overall well-being, and she was always on the lookout for new ways to stimulate their senses and spark their creativity.

One afternoon, Vandana decided to organize a painting session for the residents. She set up easels in the backyard, along with an array of paints and brushes, and encouraged everyone to let their imaginations run wild. 

Mr. Jaishankar, who had always had a passion for art, eagerly picked up a brush and began to paint a beautiful landscape scene.

As Vandana watched him work, she felt a surge of admiration for his talent and determination. 

She knew that it was moments like these that made her job so rewarding – the opportunity to see the residents come alive with passion and joy, despite the challenges that age had brought upon them.

As the sun began to set, Vandana gathered the residents in the dining room for their dinner. They sat around the table, sharing stories and laughter as they enjoyed a delicious meal that Vandana had prepared earlier in the day. 

It was moments like these – simple, yet profound – that reminded Vandana of the importance of her work.

As the night fell and the residents settled into their beds, Vandana made her way to her own room in the bunglow. She felt a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as she reflected on the day's events. 

She knew that caring for the elderly was not always easy – it required patience, compassion, and a willingness to go above and beyond – but she also knew that it was one of the most rewarding experiences she had ever had.

As she drifted off to sleep, Vandana made a silent vow to continue her work with the elderly residents for as long as she was able to. 

She knew that their wisdom, their humor, and their enduring spirit had touched her in ways she could never have imagined, and she was grateful for the opportunity to give back to them in any way she could.

And so, as the moon shone down on the quiet little bunglow, Vandana closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by the peacefulness and serenity of the night, knowing that she was exactly where she was supposed to be – taking care of the precious souls who had taught her more about love and kindness than she could have ever hoped to learn on her own.

How Adinath Found The Purpose Of Life

Long ago I happened to meet someone in a Pub I used to visit during week-ends. 

In a short span of time I could develop very good rapport with him and at some point  asked him, ”What's the purpose of our life?

Gazing at me intently he said, ”Abhijit, it's not an easy question to answer, but let me tell you a real-life story. 

Let me share it with you as he had told me.

Abhijit, I know a person named Adinath, who had always felt lost and aimless in life. He wandered through each day feeling as though there was something missing, as though he was searching for a purpose that he could never quite grasp. 

Despite his best efforts to find meaning in his work, his relationships, and his hobbies, he could never shake the feeling that there was something more out there waiting for him.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park, he came across an old man sitting on a bench. The man had a wise and peaceful expression on his face, and Adinath felt drawn to him. 

As he sat down next to the old man, Adinath couldn't help but blurt out, "I feel lost. I don't know what my purpose in life is."

The old man smiled and nodded knowingly. "I understand," he said. "Many people feel that way at some point in their lives. But the key to finding your purpose is to look within yourself and discover what truly brings you joy and fulfillment."

Adinath was taken aback by the old man's words. He had always thought that purpose was something external, something that he had to search for outside of himself. 

But the old man's words sparked something inside him, a glimmer of hope that maybe he could find his purpose within himself.

Over the next few weeks, Adinath began to explore different aspects of his life that brought him joy. He started to pay attention to the little things that made him feel alive and connected.

Like the way the sun felt on his face in the morning or the sound of laughter from his friends. 

He realized that his purpose wasn't something grand or flashy, but rather something simple and true to himself.

As he dived deeper into this journey of self-discovery, Adinath began to let go of the expectations and pressures that had been weighing him down for so long. 

He stopped trying to fit into the mold of what society told him he should be, and instead embraced his own unique path.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park once again, he came across a group of children playing in the grass. Their laughter filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched them chase each other around. 

In that moment, he realized that his purpose in life was to bring joy and love to those around him, just like those children were doing.

From that day on, Adinath made it his mission to spread positivity and kindness wherever he went. He volunteered at the local old age home helping those in need.

In addition, he made an effort to connect with his friends and family on a deeper level. He found that the more he gave of himself, the more fulfilled he felt.

As time passed, Adinath’s new-found purpose began to shape every aspect of his life. He no longer felt lost or aimless, but rather guided by a sense of direction and meaning that he had never experienced before. 

He found that when he focused on helping others and being true to himself, everything else fell into place.

And so, Adinath learned that the true purpose of life is not something to be found outside of ourselves, but rather something that resides within each and every one of us. 

It is a journey of self-discovery and growth, of connecting with what truly matters and letting go of what doesn't. 

And in the end, he realized that the purpose of life is to simply be true to oneself and to spread love and joy to those around us.

After narrating the above story that gentleman asked for the bill, paid and left the pub immediately. Unfortunately, I never saw him there again.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Let Go Of The Past

In the small town of Meerut in UP, India, lived a young woman named Diksha. She was known for her beauty and kind heart, but also for her fiery temper and stubborn nature. 

She had grown up in a loving family, surrounded by friends and admirers, but deep down she felt a sense of loneliness that she couldn't shake.

Diksha's life took a turn when she met a charming young man named Arun. From the moment they first locked eyes, there was an instant connection between them. They began dating and soon fell deeply in love. 

Arun was everything Diksha had ever wanted in a partner - kind, loving, and supportive. He made her feel whole in a way she had never felt before.

But as their relationship grew stronger, jealousy began to rear its ugly head. Diksha couldn't shake the feeling that Arun was keeping secrets from her, that he was seeing someone else behind her back. 

She tried to brush off these thoughts, telling herself that she was being paranoid. But deep down, she knew something was off.

One day, Diksha decided to confront Arun about her suspicions. He denied everything, swearing that he loved her and only her. 

Diksha wanted to believe him, but the doubt lingered in the back of her mind. She began to obsess over Arun's every move, constantly checking his phone and social media accounts for any sign of infidelity.

As the months passed, Diksha's paranoia grew into an all-consuming jealousy. She became possessive and controlling, pushing Arun away with her constant accusations and mistrust. 

Arun tried to reassure her, but it was no use. Diksha’s insecurities had taken hold, poisoning their once perfect relationship.

One night, Diksha followed Arun to a friend's place where he had claimed to be meeting some acquaintances. 

She watched from a distance as he laughed and flirted with a group of women, his arm around one of them. The sight filled her with a burning rage, and she stormed over to confront him.

"You liar!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face. "How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through?"

Arun looked stunned, his eyes wide with fear. "Diksha, please, let me explain!”

But it was too late. The anger and hurt that had been bubbling beneath the surface finally boiled over, and in a fit of rage, Diksha shoved Arun away from her. He stumbled backwards, falling to the ground with a look of shock on his face.

"I hate you," Diksha shouted, her voice filled with venom. "I trusted you, and you betrayed me. I never want to see you again."

With those words, she turned and walked away, leaving Arun behind in a cloud of dust and heartbreak.

For weeks, Diksha drowned her sorrows in alcohol and self-pity, her heart aching with the pain of betrayal. 

She had lost the man she loved, and it felt like a piece of her soul had been torn away. The days stretched on in a blur of agony and loneliness, with no end in sight.

But slowly, as the wounds began to heal, Diksha realized that she had to let go of the hatred and bitterness that consumed her. 

She couldn't continue living in the shadow of her past mistakes, letting them dictate her future. She had to move on, to forgive herself and Arun for their shared pain and agonies.

And so, with a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Diksha set out to rebuild her life. She threw herself into her work, reconnecting with old friends and rediscovering the joys of life.

And as time passed, the wounds of love, hate, and betrayal began to heal, leaving behind a stronger, wiser woman who had learned to let go of the past and embrace the future with open arms.

In the end, Diksha realized that pain and agonies were a part of life, but they didn't have to define her. Love could be found again, in unexpected places and with unexpected people. 

And though the scars of her past would always remain, they served as a reminder of the strength and resilience that lay within her, waiting to be unleashed.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Manjunath's Journey To Self-realisation

Long before India's independence, in a small village nestled in the valley of the Himalayas, lived a young man named Manjunath. 

He was known throughout the village for his gentle nature and kind heart. He spent his days tending to the fields and helping his neighbors with their chores. 

But despite his outward appearance of contentment, Manjunath felt a deep longing within his soul. He yearned for something more, something beyond the physical world that surrounded him.

One day, as Manjunath was tending to the goats on the mountainside, he heard a soft voice calling out to him. 

Intrigued, he followed the voice deeper into the forest, until he came upon a wise old sage sitting beneath a towering banyan tree. The sage smiled warmly at Manjunath and beckoned him to sit beside him.

"Dear child, I have been waiting for you," the sage said. "I have seen the longing in your heart and I am here to guide you on a spiritual journey."

Manjunath was taken aback by the sage's words, but he felt a deep sense of peace and comfort in the presence of this wise old man. He agreed to follow the sage on his journey, not knowing where it would lead him.

For days and weeks, Manjunath and the sage wandered through the mountains and valleys, encountering many challenges and obstacles along the way. 

But through it all, the sage guided Manjunath with patience and wisdom, teaching him to look within himself for the answers he sought.

One night, as they sat beside a crackling fire, the sage told Manjunath about the importance of meditation and mindfulness in acquiring spiritual knowledge.

He explained that by quieting the mind and focusing on the breath, one could transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect with the divine essence that resided within each of us.

Manjunath took the sage's words to heart and began to practice meditation every day, finding solace and peace in the stillness of his mind. 

As he delved deeper into his practice, Manjunath began to experience moments of profound clarity and insight, where he felt at one with the universe and all of creation.

One day, as Manjunath sat atop a towering peak, gazing out at the vast expanse of the valley below, he felt a profound sense of peace and joy wash over him. 

In that moment, he knew that he had achieved self-realization, that he had found the answers he had been seeking all along.

As Manjunath descended from the mountain and returned to the village, he was greeted with awe and wonder by his friends and neighbors. 

They could see the light of his spirit shining in his eyes, and they knew that he had been forever changed by his journey.

From that day forward, Manjunath dedicated his life to helping others find their own path to spiritual freedom. 

He traveled far and wide, sharing the wisdom he had gained with all who would listen, and spreading a message of love and compassion wherever he went.

And so, the village of the Himalayas lived in peace and harmony, guided by the light of Manjunath's spiritual awareness and the teachings of the wise old sage. 

And though the years passed and Manjunath eventually ascended to the higher realms of existence, his spirit lived on in the hearts of all who had been touched by his compassion and wisdom.

The story of Manjunath and his journey to spiritual knowledge became a legend in the valley of the Himalayas, a testament to the power of the human spirit to transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect with the divine essence that resided within all of us.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Corporate Life To Spiritual Realm!

In the bustling city of Gurugram, where skyscrapers reached towards the sky and the hustle and bustle of corporate life never seemed to slow down, there lived a woman name Anamika. 

Anamika was a successful businesswoman, climbing the corporate ladder with determination and drive. She was known for her sharp wit, quick thinking, and ability to always come out on top in any business deal.

But despite her success in the corporate world, Anamika often felt a sense of emptiness deep within her soul. 

She spent countless hours in meetings, on conference calls, and traveling for work, but no matter how much she achieved in her career, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

One day, after a particularly stressful week at work, Anamika decided to take a break and explore a nearby spiritual retreat center that she had heard about from a friend. 

As she walked through the peaceful gardens and listened to the soothing sounds of nature around her, she felt a sense of calm wash over her for the first time in years.

Intrigued by the sense of peace and tranquility that she had found at the retreat center, Anamika decided to delve deeper into her spirituality and explore ways to integrate it into her busy corporate life. 

She began attending meditation classes, practicing yoga, and reading books on mindfulness and inner peace.

As Anamika delved deeper into her spiritual practice, she noticed profound changes starting to take place in her life. 

She found herself approaching her work with a newfound sense of clarity and focus, making decisions that were not only beneficial for her career but also aligned with her values and beliefs. 

She also noticed that her relationships with her colleagues and clients began to improve, as she approached each interaction with a sense of compassion and understanding.

One day, during a particularly challenging meeting with a difficult client, Anamika found herself drawing upon her spiritual practices to guide her through the conversation. 

Instead of reacting with frustration and anger, as she might have done in the past, she took a deep breath, centered herself, and approached the situation with a sense of calm and understanding. 

To her surprise, the client responded positively to her approach, and they were able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

As Anamika continued to integrate her spirituality into her corporate life, she found herself experiencing a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

She realized that success in the corporate world did not have to come at the cost of her spiritual well-being, and that the two could coexist harmoniously.

Over time, Anamika's colleagues began to take notice of the positive changes in her demeanor and approach to work. 

They commented on her newfound sense of calm and poise, and began to seek her out for guidance and advice on how to navigate the stresses of corporate life.

Inspired by the positive impact that her spiritual practices had on her own life and the lives of those around her, Anamika decided to organize a series of mindfulness workshops and meditation sessions for her colleagues. 

The response was overwhelmingly positive, with many employees expressing gratitude for the opportunity to explore their own spirituality in the midst of their busy work lives.

As the workshops continued to grow in popularity, Anamika realized that she had found her true calling – to bridge the gap between spirituality and corporate life and help others find a sense of balance and fulfillment in their careers. 

She decided to leave her corporate job and pursue a career in spiritual coaching and mindfulness training, using her own experiences to guide others on their own spiritual journeys.

Anamika's decision to follow her heart and pursue her passion for spirituality was met with hesitation and skepticism from some of her colleagues and friends. 

But she remained steadfast in her belief that true success was not measured by material wealth or professional accolades, but by the sense of fulfillment and purpose that one found in following their true calling.

As Anamika embraced her new career as a spiritual coach, she found herself surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for blending spirituality and corporate life. 

Together, they worked to create a new paradigm in which mindfulness, compassion, and inner peace were valued just as much as financial success and professional achievement.

In the end, Anamika's journey from corporate powerhouse to spiritual guide was not an easy one, but it was undoubtedly the most fulfilling and rewarding path she had ever walked. 

And as she looked out at the city skyline from the windows of her new office, she knew that she had finally found the balance and fulfillment that she had been searching for all along.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Khushi Aayegi Pankh Lagake

Jo bhi Paana tha wo to maine paa Liya;
Jo bhi khona tha wo bhi to kho Diya.

Aab aur koi bemishal Tamanna nehi hein;
Zindagi ne khulkar bahut kuch diya hein.

Chota sa shaher se nikla tha ek parinda;
Kit na kuch kar dikhaya usne hey Khuda.

Ab use udne de khuda bekhauf bephikir;
Na koi uljhan aur na hi chinta yaa Daar.

Zindagi ek Nasha hein jo utarti hi nehi;
Mauth bhi kaise use kamzoor Kar pati.

Mauth aur zindagi ke beech Mein hum;
Doondte rahe humari wozood ka daam.

Khushi to ek bewafa jo dhoka hi de jati;
Gham to dost hein humesha saath raheti.

Gham ko gole laga lo Prabal bina soche;
Khushi ayegi tumhare pass pankh lagake.

Composed by Abhijit Kar (Prabal)

Photo by Luca Dross

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Making others feel better, makes you fell better. Just a word of genuine appreciation. Or a genuine gesture of true recognition. That's all.

I am not getting into the science of feeling better in terms of release of Serotonin and other hormones. 

I have studied it all and am well aware of how physiology of humans work in consonance with the release of hormones from the brain.

I am talking about the practical aspect of how to Make others feel better in the most practical way.

We can do it by various ways:

Feed hungry souls: both humans and animals. Extend emotional support to them who are on the verge of psychological breakdown. Stand by them who have none to talk to about anything happening in their lives. 

You can't solve the life problems of others, but you can make them feel better while launching positive efforts to make their life a little bit more comfortable.

I am not a best selling writer and I don't know how to express my inner feelings in words. What I know is, making others feel better makes you feel better as you radiate the positive energy to the Universe and it respons accordingly.

There are certain categories of humans who can never feel better with all your efforts. Leave them, ignore them, let their destiny decide their fate.

You, we and I must focus on making those others feel better who can respond positively to the best of our efforts.

Making others feel better doesn't require any spiritual enlightenmen through Yoga and meditation. It's a way of life, for living a peaceful existence.

Just a smile to even a Stanger. Asking anyone known to you as how he is doing. Treating everyone with the respect they deserve. That's all about - Making others feel better.

Every human expects recognition of their existence, respect for their life developments and the acceptance of what they are.

When you accept all the above conditions without any reservations, you are bound to achieve a blissful state of mind.

Get the best from the materiastic world, extract the best from the Spiritualism that you practice, and blend both to live a great life of abundance with no attachment to the resultant or outcome of the same.

Extremely difficult. Not meant for 99.99 percent of the population.

Whatever, make it a point to make others feel better with whatever efforts within your capacity.

Monday, November 6, 2023

How To Live A Magical Life

Surrender to the flow of life instead of resisting it, to live a magical life. Nature has already devised a plan for you. Have patience and let it manifest when right time comes. It's called divine time. 

However, when the manifestation of the right time begins unfolding, unleash massive action to turn that opportunity to your advantage.

Watch the above video to understand the meaning of living a divine and accomplished life, full of peace, bliss and happiness.

Photo by Mo Eid

Monday, October 23, 2023

Spirituality Is The Key To Abundance In Life

When one embraces the path of Spirituality, it doesn't matter who they were and what they are now in terms of materialistic achievements.

Whether you are the owner of a Multi-billion Dollar company, or the CEO of a 100 million dollar organization, what matters most is -- are you living the life you deserve to? 

Are you at peace with self? Or, are you living a miserable life, while targeting external achievements?

It's extremely difficult to understand my questions and more difficult to answer the same. 

You know, why? Because, we are confused. We have no idea about our flow of life. 

We are swimming in the Ganges of life, without having any clear thinking and idea about our destination. 

Frankly speaking, we need help. 

The help to make us understand the purpose and meaning of life. 

There where Spirituality steps in!

The emperors lost their empire. The Kings lost their kingdoms. The politicians lost their influence. 

However, a genuine and great Yogi never loses his control over many millions of lives, because, spirituality is everlasting -- if practiced properly.

What really makes sense is nothing but attaining the most difficult objective of life: Being at peace with self, even in the most difficult situations. 

That's called Serenity: The state of mind which is clam and peaceful amidst the most chaotic developments in and around us. 

Nothing materialistic can help you achieve it. For that, you have to turn your attention from ourside to inside.

That doesn't mean, you stop focusing on wealth creation. It means, create wealth without any attachment to the same and give it to them who are less fortunate than you.

Balancing between external success and internal achievement, with no attachment to the outcome of the resultant effort, is called Spirituality.

My thoughts are based on my Personal experiences and I could be wrong. I sincerely apologize to you for being so upfront in sharing what I believe is fact.

Success in life, that none can deny, is all about achieving happiness. And, we can't grab it, without practicing spiritualism.

There is a huge difference between 'Financial Freedom' and "Spiritual Independence." In my next post I will elaborate the same based on my Personal experiences.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Surrender To Cosmic Force For A Blissful Life

What we are looking outside is already existing inside. I am talking about peace of mind. Peace is not a piece of being better than the rest within your circle of influence. It is the totality of accepting life developments unfolding before us without having any control over the same.

One of my friends called me up the other day. He has been a great corporate performer. A hugely successful professional. Just a few months ago his mother had been diagnosed with Cancer and a month ago his wife with the need for dialysis every alternate day. Worst is, he has been asked to resign from the current job.

We don't have and neither will have any idea about the pains and agonies he is going through right now, unless we ourselves have experienced the same. That's why we never understand the behavior of others, since we have no idea about what might have triggered the same in their life.

We are always judgmental in a negative way and that was a fundamental tool for survival for the fittest in the "Stone Age." In the "Information Age," can't we be judgemental in a positive way? Can't we ask ourselves a simple question: "I need to know, why the way they are behaving the way they're." Even though the best option is being non-judgmental.

I don't wish to get into the details of threat perception and how our ancestors used it to their advantage to ensure their survival and keep alive the process of evolution to what we are today. They did it unknowingly. However, we must not repeat the same knowingly, as the situation now is entirely different than what it used to be. Evolution must go on, but not without knowledge.

What's happening around the world now is so negative in terms of living a decent life, and last but not the least --  destruction of so many souls. whose fault? We have no idea! But it is happening with so many and there is no guarantee that it won't happen in our lives too.

Going back to the real story of my friend, as mentioned above, I can only assume that there is a force beyond our understanding, I call it Cosmic Force, which is controlling our life developments. There is no scientific evidence so far to prove it, but we feel it.

However, to conclude, let me tell you that while practicing Kriya Meditation on daily basis, propagated through out the world by Paramhansa Swami Yoganand, I have realized that the only way to face all adversities of life with unrelenting courage and then achieve a permanent peace of mind is by accepting the consequences of unfolding situations being countered by with our Karmic weapons of action without any expectation of the result.

Never forget that it's your life and you have every right to live it the way you want it. Don't surrender to any humans in your Personal and Professional life, but to that cosmic force that has already devised a plan for you in this life of yours and many more lives ahead. That's is the only way to live a meaningful and purposeful life for attaining a blissful state of true happiness.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Hope!


The foundation of our existence is HOPE. Hope is the Engine of Life that helps us keep moving toward our destination. Perseverance, Persistence, Patience, talk about anything, all are fundamentally influenced and governed by hope for a better future in every domain of life.

If there is no hope, there is nothing in life. If there is no hope, we cease to exist. When hope dies, we too die. May be physically, or emotionally, or both.

So, keep the hope alive even in the worst situation. All I have written in this book is about my own experience with regard to inability to give up. This book is a collection of articles I have written, while going through the worst period of life.

Some of the articles are true stories and the rest are the expression of thoughts and ideas coming to my mind. Navigating the dark cloud of Destiny's Torture, I started inspiring myself through writing these article. It was a kind of self-talk to save me from the pains and agonies of life and remain hopeful about a great future.

Hope is a positive cognitive state based on a sense of successful goal-directed determination and planning to meet those goals. Goddess Elpis in Greek Mythology is the spirit of HOPE.

Clearly indicating that Hope Helps Us Keep Going, a relevant article from "The Psychology Today," highlights:

"Research indicates that hope can help us manage stress and anxiety and cope with adversity. It contributes to our well-being and happiness and motivates positive action. Hopeful people believe they can influence their goals, that their efforts can have a positive impact. They are also more likely to make healthy choices to eat better or exercise, or do the other things that will help them move toward what they are hoping for."

So we must never let the hope disappear from life, even when stuck up in the dark tunnel of life. Hope keeps us alive and it is nothing but the flame of a better future in all domains of life.

Highlighting that "Hope is more than wishful thinking. It’s a blend of optimism and willpower," a write up in "PsychCentral" Calls attention to:

"High-hope people fare better in several areas of life. According to Snyder’s hope theory, higher levels of hope are consistently linked to better outcomes regarding mental health, physical health, academics, athletics, physical health, and psychotherapy."

However, at the same time, to make our hope come true we have to unleash massive actions towards achieving whatever our goals are. The goals could be anything. Materialistic and or Spiritual. Whatever those are, we can achieve the same with a combination of Hope and Hard-work.

The purpose of this book is to motivate them who have lost Hope, or in the process of giving up the same in life. Hope is the foundation of living a meaningful life and an existence full of happiness.

PS: From my book "Elpis - The Hope," available on Amazon. It's obtainable in both paperback and Kindle softcopy format. Please click on the following link:

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff

Monday, March 20, 2023

Hope Is The Engine Of Life

The foundation of our existence is HOPE. Hope is the Engine of Life that helps us keep moving toward our destination. 

Perseverance, Persistence, Patience, talk about anything, all are fundamentally influenced and governed by hope for a better future in every domain of life. 

If there is no hope, there is nothing in life. If there is no hope, we cease to exist. When hope dies, we too die. May be physically, or emotionally, or both. So, keep the hope alive even in the worst situation. 

Hope is a positive cognitive state based on a sense of successful goal-directed determination and planning to meet those goals. 

We must never let the hope disappear from life, even when stuck up in the dark tunnel of life. Hope keeps us alive and it is nothing but the flame of a better future in all domains of life. 

However, at the same time, to make our hope come true we have to unleash massive actions towards achieving whatever our goals are. 

The goals could be anything. Materialistic and or Spiritual. Whatever those are, we can achieve the same with a combination of Hope and Hardwork. 

The purpose of this article is to motivate them who have lost Hope, or in the process of giving up the same in life. 

Hope is the foundation of living a meaningful life and an existence full of happiness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Life Development Pre-Determined?


My horoscope is before me right now.

Reading it after 40 years is shaking my belief that we are the creators of our Destiny -- what Swami Vivekananda said long ago.

If everything is predetermined, it means Lord Krishna's life too was pre-determined.

Does it mean that the messages in Gita too were pre-determined?

If it is so, who is determining these since eternity?

Everything mentioned in my horoscope is matching with my life developments.

How can one's life developments be predictable to such an accuracy?

Does it mean, we have no control over what's happening in our life.

Does it mean, every development in our life is pre-determined?

I am confused!!!

If every development in our life is pre-determined, then
we humans are nothing but robots for them who are controlling us. Amazing!

A force much bigger than Lord Krishna in Hinduism, Jesus in Christianity, Buddha in Buddhism and....

Life period of different creatures differs widely.

Most insects live less than a year. In fact, Mayfly — are the shortest living animals on the planet, as the adult lifespan of a fly from this species is only 24 hours.

The point is, human life span on an average of 60 years could be a second for those controlling us. May be much much less.

The point I am trying to make is - we are being controlled by some forces beyond the scope of Eisenstein's theory of relativity.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Man of Action!

Few years ago, after getting down from Metro Rail at Chattarpur Station, New Delhi, I was looking for an auto-ricksaw.

I was standing on the pavement across the main road. With people moving like ants, there was no sign of an auto.

Suddenly, just a meter away from me, an auto-ricksaw came to a screeching halt and the driver waved at me.

I ran toward him, and as soon as I reached him he said in English, "Sir, get inside, else this policeman would challan me."

Perplexed, how an auto-driver was speaking fluent English, I first got inside and then asked him about his background.

To cut the story short - He, a Master in Political Science, retired from a Govt. Job, is now an auto-driver not out of compulsion.

Further discussion with him revealed, when, after retirement, he was unable to find out a job that would keep him busy for at least 8 hrs a day, he decided to buy an auto and drive it.

He was talking to me in chaste English. 

"Sir, I receive a good pension and both my sons are well settled. However, I can't sit idle through-out the day. Hence, I decided to take up this profession," he concluded. 

With my destination fast approaching, I decided to end the conversation.

However, even after 2 years of our chance encounter, I still remember him for his dedication to action.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Are You A Survivor Or A Warrior?

"The Devil whispered in my ear, 'You're not strong enough to withstand the storm.' Today I whispered in the Devil's ear, "I am the storm.'" -Unknown

I am not a professional Life Management Coach. I am not even a feather to any cap of excellence. I am a common person, who could come out of acute depression on his own without taking any external help. 

I did it by reprogramming my belief system with the help of knowledge I had gathered from reading 50 plus books and practicing the lessons learned. 

I did it by removing the weeds of negativity from the fertile soil of my subconscious mind and planting the seeds of positivity. 

I did it all alone, while fighting against the torture of destiny at the age of 56. I am 58 now, and ready to fight it out to reclaim my old glory and fame. 

No situation, no compulsion and no circumstance can force you bowing your head down, unless you yourself give up and decide to surrender. 

This post is addressed to those warriors of life, who are facing the extinction of hope. 

Endure the worst. 

Doing anything and everything to remain alive is your duty, responsibility and commitment to none but yourself. 

Life rewards those, who negotiate the pitch-dark tunnel of failure without losing hope for finding the way out through hard work and perseverance. 

Fight it out! 

Be a warrior!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Change Your Feelings, Change Your Life!

Change Your Feelings, Change Your Life!

We always think that our thoughts influence our actions. But there is a catch!

Imagine a situation: you have received a regret mail about the outcome of an interview you attended yesterday.

It went off so well, in your opinion. You are more than confident of cracking it.

However, the mail cites that you don't match the expectations of the interviewing panel.

It's over!

What is your emotional state of mind at that point in time?

You are feeling low, frustrated, depressed. I mean, you are in a negative state of feelings.

Thoughts coming to your mind now are influenced by your negative feelings; so are the actions you perform at this moment.

Are your thoughts determining the quality of your actions?

No, it's your feelings.

So we must have control over our feelings for generating good thoughts.

Isn' it?

How to change our feelings to generate positive thoughts for unleasing result-oriented actions?

Let me tell you what I do in such situations.

I start doing something I love to do, enjoy doing and get immense pleasure out of it - Cooking or Writing!

After sometime, I feel positive, energized and gain control over my state of feelings.

Whenever you feel low, do that, whatever you love to do, and change the way you feel.

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Story Of A Man And An Exotic Bird!

“Sometimes the longest journey we make is the sixteen inches from our heads to our hearts.” – Elena Avila, author 

Surfing through the surging waves of life developments, often we forget about a few important lessons learned long back, from our parents, from our teachers and from our own life experiences. 

Our life journey might turn out to be an interesting exploration of several unknown terrains of uncertainty and unpredictability, if we follow those principles that define a meaningful and purposeful existence. 

Telling a compelling story, in the following video, Swami Gaur Gopal Das reminds us about 3 eternal droplets of knowledge and wisdom from the nectar of Supreme Consciousness. These are:

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Walk Alone, Don't Be Scared!

 1. It's better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction! By Diane Grant 

2. The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone! By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

3. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone! By Oscar Hammerstein II 

4. The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before! By Albert Einstein 

5. Imagine you are walking down a leafy path...The sun is receding, and you are walking alone, caressed by the breezy light of the late afternoon. Then suddenly, you feel a large drop on your right arm. Is it raining? You look up. The sky is still deceptively sunny...seconds later another drop. Then, with the sun still perched in the sky, you are drenched in a shower of rain. This is how memories invade me, abruptly and unexpectedly! By Azar Nafisi

Friday, November 13, 2020

Never Let Anger Destroy You!

One night a snake found its way inside a hardware store. 

Slithering around, it bumped into a handsaw lying on the ground. 

Sharp teeth of the saw sliced into the skin of the snake, inflicting upon a bloody wound in its body. 

Thinking that it was a threat, the snake immediately bit the saw with ferocity and got a deep cut inside its mouth. 

Hissing with anger, assuming the saw an enemy, the snake immediately attacked it and wrapped its whole body around the same. 

By instinct, the snake started applying gradual pressure for suffocating the saw. Obviously, it couldn't do any damage to it. 

Instead, got badly injured by the teeth of the saw and bled to death. 

The snake got itself killed by own anger, by its own reaction, thinking that there was something out there to get it. 

Same thing happens in our life also. We think that others have hurt us. They are trying to get us. And we react with anger and resentment. 

While doing so, we carry the burden of a lot of negative energy within that hurt us only -- not the other person. 

In life, we must let go the negativity and treat others with compassion and dignity. There could be a compelling reason behind someone misbehaving. 

Forgive, forget and get rid of anger to look at life with a new perspective for creating the best out of it.