Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Power Of Love And Hardwork

The sun had long set, casting a shadow over the home of the Sharma family. Inside, Deepika Sharma sat at the small kitchen table, staring blankly at kitchen utensils in front of her. 

Her husband Anant was out looking for work again, leaving her alone with their three young children.

Sharmas had always been a hardworking family, but lately, they had been struggling to make ends meet. 

Anant had lost his job at a auto component manufacturing factory a few months ago, and despite his best efforts, he hadn't been able to find steady employment. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Confession Of An Entrepreneur

As a Recruiter, first as an employee of one of the largest Executive Search organizations in India, and then as the Founder of one of the most popular Recruitment Firms in Delhi, at that time, I had watched from close the rise and fall of many professionals Iike me.

They thrived beyond their expectations, controlled their empire with an iron hand, and eventually fell like the Roman emperors.

I had observed from close proximity: Their success in the prime time of their career, and down-fall over the period of decades.

Most of them, while ruling over their own empire, never realized that a day will come without fail when they would have no option but to fade into oblivion.

Monday, April 29, 2024

How Kushal Fought Against The Torture By Fate

Kushal, a young man in early thirties, used to live in a small village in West Bengal bordering Bangladesh. He was known for his kindness, compassion, and unwavering determination to fight against the torture of fate.

Kushal had been through many hardships in his life. From losing his parents at a young age to facing poverty and adversity, he had seen more than his fair share of struggles. But through it all, he never lost hope or gave up on his dreams.

One day, as Kushal was walking through the village, he came across a group of villagers gathered around a street performer. The performer was a storyteller who captivated the listeners with tales of bravery, wisdom, and magic.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

5 Ways To Be A Good Person

In a world where negativity and cruelty often seem to take center stage, it can be easy to lose sight of the simple yet powerful ways we can make a positive impact on those around us. 

To be a good person doesn't require grand gestures or extravagant displays of kindness. It is often the small, everyday actions that can truly make a difference in someone's life. 

Here are five simple ways you can be a good person and spread kindness in the world:

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Mother's Love And Sacrifice For Her Children

During my childhood, in my native place, there used to live a family of husband, wife and 3 children. They were simple people and I had never seen them interfering with their neighbours.

Husband was doing petty jobs and for supporting family wife used to work in a school and take tuitions after working hours. Her name was Ekta. Sometime I used to see her sitting outside their home in a depressed mood.

Having watched their struggle for survival from close and her emotional turmoil that I could not understand at that time, my story is based on her.

I have used my imagination to describe her state of mind and emotional struggle. Her name has been changed to maintain confidentiality.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Life Must Be Celebrated Every Moment

Human life is a precious gift from the creator. During a discussion, one of my friends asked, “Who is the creator of all living beings?”

“Very difficult to answer this question; however, living a meaningful life with purpose is what matters.” I replied.

In my opinion human life should be cherished and celebrated every moment and not squandered. 

Each and every individual is unique, with their own set of talents, dreams, and aspirations. It is important to recognize the value of human life and strive to make the most of every moment we are given.

How Criticism Inspired Sameer To Gain Recognition

One of my  acquaintances in Delhi named Sameer had always dreamed of becoming a great painter. He would spend hours in his small studio, pouring his heart and soul into his artwork, hoping to one day make a name for himself in the art world.

However, despite his best efforts, Sameer's paintings never seemed to quite capture the attention of art critics or buyers. He would enter his pieces into local art shows, only to receive lukewarm reviews that left him feeling discouraged and frustrated.

Monday, April 22, 2024

How The Power Of Hope Changed Amit's Life

As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the countryside, the small town of Ranipur began to stir. Birds chirped cheerfully in the trees, and the residents went about their daily routines with a sense of purpose and hope in their hearts.

One such person was Amit, a young man with big dreams and even bigger aspirations. He had grown up in Ranipur, a place where opportunities were scarce and success seemed like an unattainable dream. 

But Amit refused to let his circumstances define his future. He believed in the power of hope, in the idea that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Greatest Lessons Come From Darkest Moments

Deepak and Sudha lived in New Delhi. They had been together for five years and their love seemed unbreakable. They met in college and instantly hit it off, bonding over their shared love for art and travel. 

They were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes, but little did they know that their relationship was about to be tested in ways they never imagined.

Sudha was a successful artist, known for her beautiful paintings that captured the essence of love and passion. Deepak, on the other hand, was a rising star in the business world, with a sharp mind and a charming personality. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Ravi's Battle Against Destiny's Torture

Ravi's life has never been easy. From a young age, he has faced challenges that seemed insurmountable. Born into a broken home, Ravi never knew the love and care of both parents. 

His father struggled with addiction, leaving  to fend for himself most of the time. As a result, he grew up quickly, taking on responsibilities far beyond his years.

Despite his difficult upbringing, Ravi was determined to make something of himself. He excelled in school, earning top grades and scholarships to prestigious universities. 

But just as he was about to embark on his journey to a brighter future, tragedy struck. A car accident claimed the lives of both his parents, leaving Ravi completely alone in the world.

Handle Depressed People With Love And Care

Having experienced a major condition of depression myself for a year atleast, many years ago, I wish none goes through such painful torture of life ever. When severely depressed, one loses interest in living and isolate themselves from the rest of the world. Every minute turns into a year and the desire to remain alive simply disappear.

I managed to come out of it without any medical support, because my family went out of the way to help me recover and I kept on reading the biographies of renowned personalities. Those books taught me how one can gather enough courage to cope up with the adversities of life.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The True Power Comes From Within

Not so long ago, in a small village nestled in the lush green valleys of the Himalayas, lived a young boy named Mihir. 

Mihir was a dreamer, always fascinated by the majestic mountains that surrounded his village. 

He would often spend hours gazing at the snow-capped peaks, imagining all the adventures that awaited him beyond the village.

Mihir's family was poor, and opportunities for education and career advancement were scarce in the village. But Mihir was undeterred. 

He was determined to break free from the constraints of his circumstances and make something of himself. 

And so, he turned to his greatest source of inspiration - his grandmother.

Mihir's grandmother, Tulsi, was a wise and kind soul. She had seen her fair share of struggles and hardships in life, but her spirit remained unbroken. 

Tulsi was a firm believer in the power of perseverance and self-belief. She would often tell Mihir that the only limits in life are the ones we place on ourselves.

One day, as Mihir sat with his grandmother overlooking the valley, she told him a story. 

It was a tale of a young prince who was born into a kingdom plagued by darkness and despair. 

The prince grew up surrounded by doubt and fear, but he harbored a deep yearning for something more, something greater.

One day, the prince decided to embark on a quest to find the source of light that would banish the darkness from his kingdom. 

He traveled far and wide, facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. 

But he never wavered in his determination, for he knew that within him lay the power to overcome any adversity.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, the prince reached the mystical city of light. 

There, he discovered that the source of light was not an external force, but his own indomitable spirit. 

The prince realized that true power comes from within, and that he possessed the strength and courage to bring about change in his kingdom.

As Tulsi finished the story, she looked into Mihir's eyes and said, "My dear child, you are like that young prince. You have the power to illuminate the darkest corners of your life with the light of your own dreams and aspirations. Do not let anyone or anything dim the brightness of your spirit."

Mihir was deeply moved by his grandmother's words. He felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination burning within him. 

He realized that his dreams were not just distant fantasies, but achievable goals that he could strive towards with unwavering faith and resilience.

From that day on, Mihir dedicated himself to his studies and personal growth. 

He devoured books on a wide range of subjects, eager to expand his knowledge and broaden his horizons. 

He took on odd jobs in the village to save money for further education, determined to carve out a path for himself that would lead to a brighter future.

Years passed, and Mihir's hard work and perseverance paid off. He earned a scholarship to study at a prestigious university in Delhi, where he excelled in his academics and extracurricular activities. 

His passion for learning and his unwavering commitment to his goals inspired those around him, and he became a source of inspiration for the younger generations in his village.

Today, Mihir is a successful entrepreneur, running his own business that supports sustainable development projects in rural communities. 

He often returns to his village, where he shares his story with the children and encourages them to dream big and never give up on their aspirations.

And as he stands on the mountain-top, overlooking the valley that was once his home, Mihir knows that the true source of inspiration and motivation lies within each of us - waiting to be ignited by the fire of our dreams and nurtured by the unwavering belief in our own potential.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The Hope!


The foundation of our existence is HOPE. Hope is the Engine of Life that helps us keep moving toward our destination. Perseverance, Persistence, Patience, talk about anything, all are fundamentally influenced and governed by hope for a better future in every domain of life.

If there is no hope, there is nothing in life. If there is no hope, we cease to exist. When hope dies, we too die. May be physically, or emotionally, or both.

So, keep the hope alive even in the worst situation. All I have written in this book is about my own experience with regard to inability to give up. This book is a collection of articles I have written, while going through the worst period of life.

Some of the articles are true stories and the rest are the expression of thoughts and ideas coming to my mind. Navigating the dark cloud of Destiny's Torture, I started inspiring myself through writing these article. It was a kind of self-talk to save me from the pains and agonies of life and remain hopeful about a great future.

Hope is a positive cognitive state based on a sense of successful goal-directed determination and planning to meet those goals. Goddess Elpis in Greek Mythology is the spirit of HOPE.

Clearly indicating that Hope Helps Us Keep Going, a relevant article from "The Psychology Today," highlights:

"Research indicates that hope can help us manage stress and anxiety and cope with adversity. It contributes to our well-being and happiness and motivates positive action. Hopeful people believe they can influence their goals, that their efforts can have a positive impact. They are also more likely to make healthy choices to eat better or exercise, or do the other things that will help them move toward what they are hoping for."

So we must never let the hope disappear from life, even when stuck up in the dark tunnel of life. Hope keeps us alive and it is nothing but the flame of a better future in all domains of life.

Highlighting that "Hope is more than wishful thinking. It’s a blend of optimism and willpower," a write up in "PsychCentral" Calls attention to:

"High-hope people fare better in several areas of life. According to Snyder’s hope theory, higher levels of hope are consistently linked to better outcomes regarding mental health, physical health, academics, athletics, physical health, and psychotherapy."

However, at the same time, to make our hope come true we have to unleash massive actions towards achieving whatever our goals are. The goals could be anything. Materialistic and or Spiritual. Whatever those are, we can achieve the same with a combination of Hope and Hard-work.

The purpose of this book is to motivate them who have lost Hope, or in the process of giving up the same in life. Hope is the foundation of living a meaningful life and an existence full of happiness.

PS: From my book "Elpis - The Hope," available on Amazon. It's obtainable in both paperback and Kindle softcopy format. Please click on the following link:

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Build Your Life Again From The Bottom!

An amazing book I had finished reading yesterday at one go: "Dopamine Detox." It is written by Meurisse Thibaut.

The conclusion of the book, as summarized by the author, is as follows:

"You can choose to control your focus, or you can let someone else take it away from you.

When you learn to avoid highly stimulating activities that destroy your ability to remain calm and focused, you’ll find yourself capable of tackling your major tasks with more ease than ever before.

Going through a dopamine detox will help you lower your level of stimulation and ensure you work on your major tasks.

Remember that excitement and fulfillment aren’t the same things.

As you learn to eliminate external stimulations and immerse yourself in your work, hobbies, or relationships, you’ll experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and will feel much better.

You will also end up becoming far more productive and accomplishing many of your goals and dreams.

So, stop letting your environment hijack your brain and regain control of it instead.

This is the key to a healthy and productive life."

Today morning I uninstalled/disabled FB, Instagram, Netflix, Hotstar, Zee5, Amazon Prime on my phone, left all groups on WhatsApp except one and silenced every single one of the notifications.

However, relaxation being important, I do access them sometime at the end of my daily work schedule on my personal Laptop only.

You will be surprised to know that there is no TV in my house. So, the deadliest source of distractions doesn't exist. 

On an average. I read a good and informative book every week. It means, minimum 52 books a year and, trust me, I enjoy doing the same.

To conclude: Let me tell you, it has been a great distraction free day so far and I am determined to continue with the same strategy for a long time.

Image Credit: Engin Akyurt

Monday, March 20, 2023

Hope Is The Engine Of Life

The foundation of our existence is HOPE. Hope is the Engine of Life that helps us keep moving toward our destination. 

Perseverance, Persistence, Patience, talk about anything, all are fundamentally influenced and governed by hope for a better future in every domain of life. 

If there is no hope, there is nothing in life. If there is no hope, we cease to exist. When hope dies, we too die. May be physically, or emotionally, or both. So, keep the hope alive even in the worst situation. 

Hope is a positive cognitive state based on a sense of successful goal-directed determination and planning to meet those goals. 

We must never let the hope disappear from life, even when stuck up in the dark tunnel of life. Hope keeps us alive and it is nothing but the flame of a better future in all domains of life. 

However, at the same time, to make our hope come true we have to unleash massive actions towards achieving whatever our goals are. 

The goals could be anything. Materialistic and or Spiritual. Whatever those are, we can achieve the same with a combination of Hope and Hardwork. 

The purpose of this article is to motivate them who have lost Hope, or in the process of giving up the same in life. 

Hope is the foundation of living a meaningful life and an existence full of happiness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Life Development Pre-Determined?


My horoscope is before me right now.

Reading it after 40 years is shaking my belief that we are the creators of our Destiny -- what Swami Vivekananda said long ago.

If everything is predetermined, it means Lord Krishna's life too was pre-determined.

Does it mean that the messages in Gita too were pre-determined?

If it is so, who is determining these since eternity?

Everything mentioned in my horoscope is matching with my life developments.

How can one's life developments be predictable to such an accuracy?

Does it mean, we have no control over what's happening in our life.

Does it mean, every development in our life is pre-determined?

I am confused!!!

If every development in our life is pre-determined, then
we humans are nothing but robots for them who are controlling us. Amazing!

A force much bigger than Lord Krishna in Hinduism, Jesus in Christianity, Buddha in Buddhism and....

Life period of different creatures differs widely.

Most insects live less than a year. In fact, Mayfly — are the shortest living animals on the planet, as the adult lifespan of a fly from this species is only 24 hours.

The point is, human life span on an average of 60 years could be a second for those controlling us. May be much much less.

The point I am trying to make is - we are being controlled by some forces beyond the scope of Eisenstein's theory of relativity.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Live Life At Full Potential!

I met him in one of my favorite pubs: The Orient Tavern, Vasant Kunj. I still vividly remember it.

I was sitting in a corner table, drinking my favorite brand. He was trying to be comfortable in the adjacent table.

I looked at him and said, "Hi."

He replied with the same word and equal enthusiasm, but with a strange sadness in his eyes.

"I am Abhijit, what's your name?" I took the discussion forward.

During the next couple of hours, there, in that pub, while gulping down several pegs of Whiskey with that stranger in late night hours, I realized that learnings in life might come from the most unexpected situations.

Light in the restaurant was dim. Music in the background was like whispers. Me and he were intensely involved in conversation.

"Abhijit, don't ever fool yourself in the name of sacrifice. Don't ever spoil your life for nothing. Your life is precious, and you must live it at full potential." 

I could see the pains of life and notice the sufferings of being alive - in his eyes. It was scary for me, as if someone from the heaven was talking to me.

Before leaving the restaurant, he told me what I still remember: Abhijit, live your emotion, embrace your feelings and celebrate your helplessness - never bother about the reaction of others. Let them think, anything!

Image Credit: Madhurima Kar

Monday, January 4, 2021

How Criticism Made Me A Better Version Of Myself!

More than 3 decades ago, I cleared my 12th board examination with 8 grace marks in English. Despite scoring pretty well in science subjects, which ultimately ensured my admission into an elite engineering college ( NIT, Nagpur), my overall grade in XIIth board was drastically down due this pathetic performance in English.

Frankly speaking, I had a great disliking for English during the formative years of life and never attempted to make any improvement even. I used to be so poor in spoken English, that, during my Engineering college days, I had always avoided mixing up with English speaking classmates.

Well, destiny had something else in mind for me. After passing out from the college, when I failed to write a job application in English, leading to a group of friends laughing at me in front of many others, I, for several hours, wept uncontrollably, but then, I decided to do something about it.

On that day, before falling asleep, I vowed to myself that I must learn to speak and write in English within three months to give those friends a fitting reply. First step in that direction was to subscribe to an English news paper, and then, I bought a Bengali-to-English dictionary.

For the next 3 months, without fail, I continued with a tireless effort of investing several hours a day on reading English newspapers, writing down the meaning of each and every word that I couldn’t understand and, finally, made every attempt to improve my ability to speak in English by talking to the wall of my bedroom for several hours.

It was a lonely fight with no help from any living being. But, I continued. My determination and efforts begun producing visible results, adding fuel to my endeavor for improving more and more. During those 3 months, I didn’t let anyone get a hint of what I had been after. Then, one fine morning, I offered to write the job application for one of my friends.

I still clearly remember his facial expression while reacting to my proposal with a sarcastic comment. Ignoring. However, I went ahead and tried my best to design an impacting cover letter and showed him the draft. One by one, all three of them read it and looked at my face with shear disbelief. And, at that point, I dropped another bombshell by initiating a verbal communication in English. They were stunned!

The desire to give a fitting reply to my friends’ neglect, motivated me to achieve something difficult if not impossible. Their criticism, instead of demotivating me, inspired me to look upon this obstacle as a challenge to overcome, and I did it. 

The mission was accomplished and that success laid the foundation of a never-give-up attitude in life, which, since then, has remained with me up until now, and I wish, it remains, forever, as an integral part of my life. 

Two and decades later, when I wrote my first article in late 2008 and published it on LinkedIn, one of the readers made a categorical statement that instead of wasting my time and energy on such attempts, I should go for fishing. It was like getting completely stripped down before a huge audience, as his comment was read by hundreds of renowned professionals from all over the world.

I agree that there were quite a few grammatical mistakes in that article. However, instead of pointing it out publicly, he could have let me know his observation privately. That’s how a civilized society is expected to function. But he decided otherwise, and it ultimately proved to be a blessing in disguise for me!

I don’t know what made him launch such a lethal but unusual attack on me, but I didn’t give up this time also. Apart from taking up a week-long grammar lesson from my elder daughter to improve my writing skills, I stayed focused on reading lots of articles from dozens of popular websites and kept posting more and more on my blog and on LinkedIn. 

After a couple of months, the same person, who suggested fishing a better option than writing, became my 1st degree connection on LinkedIn and wrote a mail to me appreciating my improvements. Well, I must mention that he apologized to me as well.

Both these developments, in addition to a lot more that I’d share with you later, made my life worth living a thousand times. I must thank God for being so kind to me at times, and also ruthless - whenever I fail to live up-to his expectations on several occasions - perhaps inspiring me to wake up the sleeping giant within.

So, whenever someone laughs at you, whenever someone writes you off, saying that you’re no good, never retreat to a state of deep hibernation but bounce back with a vengeance to prove them wrong. People would always criticize you, jokingly or genuinely, whenever there’s an opportunity, but, you must turn it to your advantage, genuinely.

Image Credit: Madhurima Kar

The Amazing Power of Hope And Action!

Hold onto IT!

Don't let IT slip away from your life, even if its sharp corner is piercing through your flesh, digging deeper and deeper inside your bones.

Learn to endure unbearable pains, absorb unbelievable shocks and erase the slightest traces of tears from your eyes, but never let IT vanish from your mind.

Cross the path of fire with with no complaints, digest every rejection with a smile and make every insult strengthens your determination, but never allow IT run away from your life.

Whenever you feel like giving up, whenever you find yourself completely demotivated and whenever you decide to call it day, hold onto IT for a while, because, you're almost there -- just a mile away from your destination: An extra-mile!

Nothing in life but IT, defines your future and I call IT -- HOPE!

Never let your HOPE for making a grand future die a premature death; I'm sure, that, the Power of HOPE will never let you get tired while navigating through that most difficult terrain of an extra-mile during your life journey.

All of us make our best efforts to scale the summit of success, but most of us give up while surfing though the zone of unbearable pains and agonies.

You know, why?

Because we fail to hold onto our HOPE!   

Now watch these videos and never lose hope!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Are You A Survivor Or A Warrior?

"The Devil whispered in my ear, 'You're not strong enough to withstand the storm.' Today I whispered in the Devil's ear, "I am the storm.'" -Unknown

I am not a professional Life Management Coach. I am not even a feather to any cap of excellence. I am a common person, who could come out of acute depression on his own without taking any external help. 

I did it by reprogramming my belief system with the help of knowledge I had gathered from reading 50 plus books and practicing the lessons learned. 

I did it by removing the weeds of negativity from the fertile soil of my subconscious mind and planting the seeds of positivity. 

I did it all alone, while fighting against the torture of destiny at the age of 56. I am 58 now, and ready to fight it out to reclaim my old glory and fame. 

No situation, no compulsion and no circumstance can force you bowing your head down, unless you yourself give up and decide to surrender. 

This post is addressed to those warriors of life, who are facing the extinction of hope. 

Endure the worst. 

Doing anything and everything to remain alive is your duty, responsibility and commitment to none but yourself. 

Life rewards those, who negotiate the pitch-dark tunnel of failure without losing hope for finding the way out through hard work and perseverance. 

Fight it out! 

Be a warrior!