Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Power Of Love And Hardwork

The sun had long set, casting a shadow over the home of the Sharma family. Inside, Deepika Sharma sat at the small kitchen table, staring blankly at kitchen utensils in front of her. 

Her husband Anant was out looking for work again, leaving her alone with their three young children.

Sharmas had always been a hardworking family, but lately, they had been struggling to make ends meet. 

Anant had lost his job at a auto component manufacturing factory a few months ago, and despite his best efforts, he hadn't been able to find steady employment. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Spirituality Unlocks The Abundance In Life

In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters in life. We often find ourselves chasing after material wealth, success, and power, thinking that these things will bring us the fulfillment and happiness we desire. 

However, what many of us fail to realize is that true abundance in life can only be found through spirituality. Spirituality is often misunderstood as something reserved for religious individuals or those who spend their days meditating in solitude. 

Spirituality is a universal concept that is accessible to anyone, regardless of their beliefs or practices. At its core, spirituality is about connecting with something greater than ourselves, whether it be a higher power, the universe, or simply the interconnectedness of all living beings.

To understand what spirituality means and how useful it is to unlock the abundance in life, let us go through the following pertinent aspects.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

5 Psychological Strategies For Success In Life

Success is a topic that has been analyzed by countless individuals over the years. Many people strive to achieve success in various aspects of their lives, whether it be in their careers, relationships, or personal goals. 

However, achieving success is not always easy and often requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and strategic thinking.

Implementing psychological strategies that can help individuals overcome challenges, stay motivated, and reach their goals. The following 5 strategies can improve one's chances of achieving success in life.

How Criticism Inspired Sameer To Gain Recognition

One of my  acquaintances in Delhi named Sameer had always dreamed of becoming a great painter. He would spend hours in his small studio, pouring his heart and soul into his artwork, hoping to one day make a name for himself in the art world.

However, despite his best efforts, Sameer's paintings never seemed to quite capture the attention of art critics or buyers. He would enter his pieces into local art shows, only to receive lukewarm reviews that left him feeling discouraged and frustrated.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Sandeep's Extraordinary Recovery From Alcohol Addiction

Sandeep was once a promising young man with a bright future ahead of him. He was charming, intelligent, and had a contagious zest for life. However, as time went on, Sandeep’s life took a dark turn as alcohol crept its way into his world and destroyed everything he had worked so hard to build.

It all started innocently enough, with Sandeep enjoying a casual drink with friends on the weekends. But soon, one drink turned into two, two turned into three, and before he knew it, alcohol had consumed every aspect of his life. It began to affect his work, his relationships, and his health.

How The Power Of Hope Changed Amit's Life

As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the countryside, the small town of Ranipur began to stir. Birds chirped cheerfully in the trees, and the residents went about their daily routines with a sense of purpose and hope in their hearts.

One such person was Amit, a young man with big dreams and even bigger aspirations. He had grown up in Ranipur, a place where opportunities were scarce and success seemed like an unattainable dream. 

But Amit refused to let his circumstances define his future. He believed in the power of hope, in the idea that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Greatest Lessons Come From Darkest Moments

Deepak and Sudha lived in New Delhi. They had been together for five years and their love seemed unbreakable. They met in college and instantly hit it off, bonding over their shared love for art and travel. 

They were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes, but little did they know that their relationship was about to be tested in ways they never imagined.

Sudha was a successful artist, known for her beautiful paintings that captured the essence of love and passion. Deepak, on the other hand, was a rising star in the business world, with a sharp mind and a charming personality. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

How Anand Built A Great Career

In the bustling city of Gurgaon, a young man named Anand was determined to make a name for himself in the world of marketing. With a passion for creativity and a drive for success, he set out on a journey to build a great career.

Anand started his career working as an intern at a small marketing firm, where he learned the ins and outs of the industry. 

He soaked up knowledge like a sponge, absorbing everything he could from his mentors and colleagues. Anand quickly realized that in order to excel in his career, he needed to be proactive and take on new challenges.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Ravi's Battle Against Destiny's Torture

Ravi's life has never been easy. From a young age, he has faced challenges that seemed insurmountable. Born into a broken home, Ravi never knew the love and care of both parents. 

His father struggled with addiction, leaving  to fend for himself most of the time. As a result, he grew up quickly, taking on responsibilities far beyond his years.

Despite his difficult upbringing, Ravi was determined to make something of himself. He excelled in school, earning top grades and scholarships to prestigious universities. 

But just as he was about to embark on his journey to a brighter future, tragedy struck. A car accident claimed the lives of both his parents, leaving Ravi completely alone in the world.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The True Power Comes From Within

Not so long ago, in a small village nestled in the lush green valleys of the Himalayas, lived a young boy named Mihir. 

Mihir was a dreamer, always fascinated by the majestic mountains that surrounded his village. 

He would often spend hours gazing at the snow-capped peaks, imagining all the adventures that awaited him beyond the village.

Mihir's family was poor, and opportunities for education and career advancement were scarce in the village. But Mihir was undeterred. 

He was determined to break free from the constraints of his circumstances and make something of himself. 

And so, he turned to his greatest source of inspiration - his grandmother.

Mihir's grandmother, Tulsi, was a wise and kind soul. She had seen her fair share of struggles and hardships in life, but her spirit remained unbroken. 

Tulsi was a firm believer in the power of perseverance and self-belief. She would often tell Mihir that the only limits in life are the ones we place on ourselves.

One day, as Mihir sat with his grandmother overlooking the valley, she told him a story. 

It was a tale of a young prince who was born into a kingdom plagued by darkness and despair. 

The prince grew up surrounded by doubt and fear, but he harbored a deep yearning for something more, something greater.

One day, the prince decided to embark on a quest to find the source of light that would banish the darkness from his kingdom. 

He traveled far and wide, facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. 

But he never wavered in his determination, for he knew that within him lay the power to overcome any adversity.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, the prince reached the mystical city of light. 

There, he discovered that the source of light was not an external force, but his own indomitable spirit. 

The prince realized that true power comes from within, and that he possessed the strength and courage to bring about change in his kingdom.

As Tulsi finished the story, she looked into Mihir's eyes and said, "My dear child, you are like that young prince. You have the power to illuminate the darkest corners of your life with the light of your own dreams and aspirations. Do not let anyone or anything dim the brightness of your spirit."

Mihir was deeply moved by his grandmother's words. He felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination burning within him. 

He realized that his dreams were not just distant fantasies, but achievable goals that he could strive towards with unwavering faith and resilience.

From that day on, Mihir dedicated himself to his studies and personal growth. 

He devoured books on a wide range of subjects, eager to expand his knowledge and broaden his horizons. 

He took on odd jobs in the village to save money for further education, determined to carve out a path for himself that would lead to a brighter future.

Years passed, and Mihir's hard work and perseverance paid off. He earned a scholarship to study at a prestigious university in Delhi, where he excelled in his academics and extracurricular activities. 

His passion for learning and his unwavering commitment to his goals inspired those around him, and he became a source of inspiration for the younger generations in his village.

Today, Mihir is a successful entrepreneur, running his own business that supports sustainable development projects in rural communities. 

He often returns to his village, where he shares his story with the children and encourages them to dream big and never give up on their aspirations.

And as he stands on the mountain-top, overlooking the valley that was once his home, Mihir knows that the true source of inspiration and motivation lies within each of us - waiting to be ignited by the fire of our dreams and nurtured by the unwavering belief in our own potential.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How Adinath Found The Purpose Of Life

Long ago I happened to meet someone in a Pub I used to visit during week-ends. 

In a short span of time I could develop very good rapport with him and at some point  asked him, ”What's the purpose of our life?

Gazing at me intently he said, ”Abhijit, it's not an easy question to answer, but let me tell you a real-life story. 

Let me share it with you as he had told me.

Abhijit, I know a person named Adinath, who had always felt lost and aimless in life. He wandered through each day feeling as though there was something missing, as though he was searching for a purpose that he could never quite grasp. 

Despite his best efforts to find meaning in his work, his relationships, and his hobbies, he could never shake the feeling that there was something more out there waiting for him.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park, he came across an old man sitting on a bench. The man had a wise and peaceful expression on his face, and Adinath felt drawn to him. 

As he sat down next to the old man, Adinath couldn't help but blurt out, "I feel lost. I don't know what my purpose in life is."

The old man smiled and nodded knowingly. "I understand," he said. "Many people feel that way at some point in their lives. But the key to finding your purpose is to look within yourself and discover what truly brings you joy and fulfillment."

Adinath was taken aback by the old man's words. He had always thought that purpose was something external, something that he had to search for outside of himself. 

But the old man's words sparked something inside him, a glimmer of hope that maybe he could find his purpose within himself.

Over the next few weeks, Adinath began to explore different aspects of his life that brought him joy. He started to pay attention to the little things that made him feel alive and connected.

Like the way the sun felt on his face in the morning or the sound of laughter from his friends. 

He realized that his purpose wasn't something grand or flashy, but rather something simple and true to himself.

As he dived deeper into this journey of self-discovery, Adinath began to let go of the expectations and pressures that had been weighing him down for so long. 

He stopped trying to fit into the mold of what society told him he should be, and instead embraced his own unique path.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park once again, he came across a group of children playing in the grass. Their laughter filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched them chase each other around. 

In that moment, he realized that his purpose in life was to bring joy and love to those around him, just like those children were doing.

From that day on, Adinath made it his mission to spread positivity and kindness wherever he went. He volunteered at the local old age home helping those in need.

In addition, he made an effort to connect with his friends and family on a deeper level. He found that the more he gave of himself, the more fulfilled he felt.

As time passed, Adinath’s new-found purpose began to shape every aspect of his life. He no longer felt lost or aimless, but rather guided by a sense of direction and meaning that he had never experienced before. 

He found that when he focused on helping others and being true to himself, everything else fell into place.

And so, Adinath learned that the true purpose of life is not something to be found outside of ourselves, but rather something that resides within each and every one of us. 

It is a journey of self-discovery and growth, of connecting with what truly matters and letting go of what doesn't. 

And in the end, he realized that the purpose of life is to simply be true to oneself and to spread love and joy to those around us.

After narrating the above story that gentleman asked for the bill, paid and left the pub immediately. Unfortunately, I never saw him there again.

Monday, December 11, 2023


This Life, human life, despite its ruthlessness, more often than not, is a just a game that we must play to the best of our capacity, ability and skills.

We must understand that we are not this current body but a soul, that had resided in many bodies in the past and will continue to live in many in future up until it merges into universal consciousness, which is beyond the understanding of our current Intellect.

Connecting the dots between many past lives and the sufferings of this life, I wish to say:

Let us wait for the emergence of the favorable situations with great patience. Endure the worst, but never lose patience.

And when the right opportunity shines through the dark clouds of pains and agonies, leave no stone unturned to unleash your best efforts to encash the same.

However, I strongly believe that we can't do it without surrendering to the power of Universal Consciousness - unconditionally - for connecting individual soul with the Cosmic soul.

How we make the connection is one's own choice and they have to figure it out. I have done mine and my life is smiling at me after a long time in terms of peace of mind.

Even though it is forbidden to declare on a public domain, I am disclosing it for the benefits of many - I do Kriya meditation initiated by Mahaavatar Babaji, made available to the world by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda, who wrote the world famous book "Autobiography of A Yogi."

Success, whatever it is for you, is being delivered through God's E-Commerce platform, when you place the order with right address.

And the only way to have a divine Adhar Card for address proof is through practicing meditation for connecting our spiritual address with that of that unknown and not yet understood supreme power providing the resources for making our existence possible.

Photo by Rodolfo Clix

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Benefit Of Giving Up Hope

Losing all hope was freedom.” ~Edward Norton in Fight Club

My latest realization is just opposite to what I have been believing through-out my life, up until now, and it is: Stop hoping and fearing, let the things happen as they are, but handle every unfolding situation with as much positivity as you can.

Once we stop, hoping and fearing - that we do every minute about everything in life and waste our mental energy - and let the flow of life takes us to the pre-determined destination, the nectar of peace and happiness starts filling our body, mind and soul. 

I completey agree with what Dr. Jessica Del Pozo has written in her eye-opening article 'The Benefits of Giving Up Hope' published in 'The Psychology Today' - "Hopelessness may help you stop trying to control everything. Hopeless may be a doorway to change as you trust the space left once you give up hope that this particular thing you want will get better. Maybe hopelessness happens just before a revolution."

She adds further - 
"Four Potential Down-Sides to Hope:
1.Hope can come loaded with expectations, expectations that are actually premeditated resentments.
2. Hope can be a way to avoid feeling something painful, preventing us from feeling sadness, thus keeping us stuck under its warm blanket.
3. We can cling to hope and even become addicted to it, preventing us from taking action toward something new.
4. Hope can be a shiny lacquer masking fear and uncertainty, attempting to restore a false sense of control."

You may read the article here:

In my opinin: Our hope for a great future or the fear of a dreadful time ahead is not going to make it that way. Because, things will happen as they are supposed to. So keep taking actions, while facing every life developments without hope and fear, and leave the rest onto the hands of Destiny.

However, there is nothing wrong in pursuing our dreams, since hope is a feeling of expectation for a particular thing to happen and dream is a cherished ambition.

“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Photo by Rodolfo Clix

Monday, October 23, 2023

Spirituality Is The Key To Abundance In Life

When one embraces the path of Spirituality, it doesn't matter who they were and what they are now in terms of materialistic achievements.

Whether you are the owner of a Multi-billion Dollar company, or the CEO of a 100 million dollar organization, what matters most is -- are you living the life you deserve to? 

Are you at peace with self? Or, are you living a miserable life, while targeting external achievements?

It's extremely difficult to understand my questions and more difficult to answer the same. 

You know, why? Because, we are confused. We have no idea about our flow of life. 

We are swimming in the Ganges of life, without having any clear thinking and idea about our destination. 

Frankly speaking, we need help. 

The help to make us understand the purpose and meaning of life. 

There where Spirituality steps in!

The emperors lost their empire. The Kings lost their kingdoms. The politicians lost their influence. 

However, a genuine and great Yogi never loses his control over many millions of lives, because, spirituality is everlasting -- if practiced properly.

What really makes sense is nothing but attaining the most difficult objective of life: Being at peace with self, even in the most difficult situations. 

That's called Serenity: The state of mind which is clam and peaceful amidst the most chaotic developments in and around us. 

Nothing materialistic can help you achieve it. For that, you have to turn your attention from ourside to inside.

That doesn't mean, you stop focusing on wealth creation. It means, create wealth without any attachment to the same and give it to them who are less fortunate than you.

Balancing between external success and internal achievement, with no attachment to the outcome of the resultant effort, is called Spirituality.

My thoughts are based on my Personal experiences and I could be wrong. I sincerely apologize to you for being so upfront in sharing what I believe is fact.

Success in life, that none can deny, is all about achieving happiness. And, we can't grab it, without practicing spiritualism.

There is a huge difference between 'Financial Freedom' and "Spiritual Independence." In my next post I will elaborate the same based on my Personal experiences.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Spirituality And Destiny

When Destiny ignores you, have patience. Understand that she is testing your endurance limit. When she opens up her treasure, sky is the limit.

The latest example is Sunny Deol and the earth-shattering success of his film Gadar2. 

Where was Sunny and what was he doing for last 20 years? Nothing! Where is he now and doing what? Everything! 

Destiny gave him Gadar2 and he put in his best efforts. 

Look at the outcome.

That's how life works. Wait for the right situation and opportunity. When that comes, go all out like a mad and possessed personality to prove that you can no longer be ignored.

That's how Destiny works. And I believe that practicing spiritualily plays a decisive role in changing our Destiny. 

When Destiny offers you a great opportunity, leave no stone un-turned to turn the same into stupendous success.

There is only one life lesson from the cyclonic success of Gadar2, and it is: Wait for your turn. Be patient. Practice meditation. Waiting period might be in years.

However, Destiny is not ruthless and does recognize the efforts, even if late. Wait for the right moment and bite the opportunity Iike a King Cobra.

Never forget the following epic dialouge ever, from the Film Rocky, recepient of several Oscars, written and performed by Sylvester Stallone himself:

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

That's what Sunny Deol did. He has won. He has proved, how winning is done. Hats off to him! His Destiny helped him. He worked hard. I am sure, he is a spiritual practitioner also. Finally, he made it. 

However, we all know and understand as well, even if refuse to admit: End of the day, it's all about our Destiny. Because, working hard produces results only when Destiny is in favor.

I have started believing that raising our awareness level through spritual practice does help us change our future for living a happy and peaceful life.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Change Your Destiny With Spiritual Practice

This post and none of my earlier posts on the role of Destiny and Karma, governing our life developments, are depicting a pessimistic observation of life.

What I write is my point of view. I believe and said so many times, that Destiny is unavoidable but condition applies: That's Spirituality, which helps us make the right choice in a neutral state of mind.

The neutral state means, when the mind is devoid of internal and external conflicts and is stable with the ability to take right decision and make appropriate choice in accordance with the demand of the prevailing situation.

When I choose candidate for Leadership positions in Corporate India, I deeply analyse the same for obvious reasons.

Spirituality and Leadership are two sides of the coin called Success in both Professional and Personal life.

Success is not about getting highly charged in the morning like your mobile phone through night-long input.

Success is all about being performing through-out the day, without being charged on daily basis in the night and in the morning, for achieving your intended goal of life.

Success is not about external motivation, but about internal transformation.

And that never happens without being spiritually strengthened!

Message for the young generation below 45 years of age:

I had attended the Satsang at Kriya Yoga center of Paramhansa Sri Yogananda today morning.

Amazing experience!

Joining the 1st level of Kriya meditation very soon to explore my internal world and continue to the last level for attaining self-purification and eternal peace and happiness.

My elder daughter is doing level 2 now and she is feeling great.

It all begun for both me and my daughter, when we started reading the book "The Autobiography of A Yogi" few months ago.

That's how the calling comes, as I realize it now, with astonishing surprize, when God wants us to surrender unconditionally to the mighty power of the Law of Nature and inspires us keep working hard without any expectations from our efforts.

I have never believed in religious rituals, and those satanic and schizophrenic exhibitions of human madness. Don't now even; however, I have begun to believe in the power of meditation for changing our internal world for bettering the external manifestation of self.

That's where and how spirituality steps into our lives, the life we never control and neither have any influence over, unless the power of Spirituality helps us change the Will of Destiny.

We can change our Destiny through Spiritual interventions. That's how Nature works, and life as well.

When a learned scholar of Veda and Vedanta visited Paramhansa Ramakrishna - Guru of Swami Vivekananda - and explained him the meaning of ancient scriptures, RK replied - I am sorry, I havent read any of these. I'm the son of my mother 'Kali' and have surrendered to her.

That's the 'Power of Surrender' to the creator of this Universe for living a meaningful life.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Zero To Hero And Hero To Zero

Look back. Just 15 years ago. What were you? Did you ever think that you would come this far, either way, up or down in life, where you are now?

This is not a routine post, I mean, in my opinion, impractical, motivational dose, those leading you no where in reality of life.

This is a down-to-earth observation to make you understand the role Destiny plays in making you "Zero to Hero and Hero to Zero."

We must understand the DNA of our existence: We don't build our life. Destiny or Nature builds it. Our job is to help destiny makes our life better than ever.

Destiny builds our present and makes our future. We may think that we are the creator of our destiny. That's conventional belief system.

However, I apologize for disagreeing with this concept of life. We are not the creator of our destiny; rather, destiny is the creator of our life developments.

Let any spiritual Guru talk anything in this aspect of life, this is my personal, hard-earned, life-long  and pain-full experience that, we are not the creator of our destiny.

We are just the servants of destiny!

Never ignore the role of destiny in your life. She is dangerous and capable of making your life miserable.

Respect her!

Look back. Just 15 years ago. What were you? Did you ever think that you would come this far, either way, up or down, where you are now?

I am sure, you never did. Then, who made this happen? Your efforts or mistakes? Thousands like you are making better efforts and commiting grave mistakes than you.

Then, why are you in this situation. Much better than who worked harder than you to arrive at the point of life where you are or worse than those who automatically moved up the life?

Because, you are destined to be here and others; so many, much better than you, or worse, weren't.

That's the game of destiny!

Photo by Marian Balasescu on Pexel

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Build Your Life Again From The Bottom!

An amazing book I had finished reading yesterday at one go: "Dopamine Detox." It is written by Meurisse Thibaut.

The conclusion of the book, as summarized by the author, is as follows:

"You can choose to control your focus, or you can let someone else take it away from you.

When you learn to avoid highly stimulating activities that destroy your ability to remain calm and focused, you’ll find yourself capable of tackling your major tasks with more ease than ever before.

Going through a dopamine detox will help you lower your level of stimulation and ensure you work on your major tasks.

Remember that excitement and fulfillment aren’t the same things.

As you learn to eliminate external stimulations and immerse yourself in your work, hobbies, or relationships, you’ll experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and will feel much better.

You will also end up becoming far more productive and accomplishing many of your goals and dreams.

So, stop letting your environment hijack your brain and regain control of it instead.

This is the key to a healthy and productive life."

Today morning I uninstalled/disabled FB, Instagram, Netflix, Hotstar, Zee5, Amazon Prime on my phone, left all groups on WhatsApp except one and silenced every single one of the notifications.

However, relaxation being important, I do access them sometime at the end of my daily work schedule on my personal Laptop only.

You will be surprised to know that there is no TV in my house. So, the deadliest source of distractions doesn't exist. 

On an average. I read a good and informative book every week. It means, minimum 52 books a year and, trust me, I enjoy doing the same.

To conclude: Let me tell you, it has been a great distraction free day so far and I am determined to continue with the same strategy for a long time.

Image Credit: Engin Akyurt

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Desire, Strategy And Smart Work: Success

Nothing works, nothing really works in your favor, unless you have an intense Desire to make it happen in life in a big way.

Even a sky rocketing desire would lead you nowhere, unless you have a solid Strategy in place to turn your dream into reality.

And finally, neither an intense desire nor a solid strategy would make you the member of an elite club of billionaires, if you fail to identify and act upon right opportunities: Smart-work!

Life, on different platforms, is always fair to all, in terms of offering game-changing opportunities for making it big in life.

However, most of us don't recognize those opportunities. Some of us, despite recognizing, fail to turn them into stupendous success. But a few never commit such mistakes and make it huge in life through a combination of DESIRE, STRATEGY and SMART-WORK.

Remember, you're a born warrior. It's only the worst circumstances that makes you look inferior in a given time. Since you can't change an unfavorable situation, why not transform yourself to a fighter who never believes in giving up until making it happen.

Accept, and live with no pains and complaints, every wound that life has inflicted upon you; look at every misery as a trophy that destiny has offered you; and remember that you have a point to prove to yourself.

All these words and sentences that I have written so far in this blog are not my assumptions, but truly reflect what I had experienced -- while making a successful turn around from deep within a financial grave not so long ago.

You must remember that 'something never comes from nothing.' So, if you're targeting extra-ordinary success, you must invest extra-ordinary efforts in for achieving the same. Are you ready to do it?

Image Credit: Joshua Miranda

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Success: Are You In The Spotlight?

What is meant by success? Is there an universal definition of success? Can we pin point, yes, reaching that particular milestone is called success?

For an animal, primary success is all about being alive: For a predator, success means achieving the daunting task of killing her prey for the next meal; for a prey, success is the manifestation of her ability to stay away from those killers on daily basis.

I think, the same principle applies to humans as well, at primary level: Winning the struggle for survival.

Requiring to meet the basic needs, humans look for a stable source of income that would help them remain alive -- physically.  I would like to call it 'Primary Success' because all species, including humans, must first ensure the survival before looking beyond.

And after achieving this primary success, one can think of achieving the next level. The next level of success, that we notice in animal kingdom, is the desire to dominate others. By domination, I mean reaching leadership position through muscle power like the owner of a pride of lions, or by virtue of knowledge and experience like the leader of a herd of elephants.

Strikingly similar developments take place in human society also. Humans, consciously or subconsciously, try to dominate others within their area of influence: Some do it with money power, some with muscle power and a few with the power of knowledge.

This urge to dominate others is basically for fulfilling the need to be recognized and accepted, that one is better than the rest. Nature maintains its equilibrium by rewarding the performers and punishing the failures, and it happens with every form of life on planet earth.

Nothing wrong in getting ahead of others, however, sometime, this in-built desire to perform better  - proving to be superior to others - and the quest for subsequent recognition, 'Success,' makes humans step over the limits imposed by moral and ethical values that constitute the foundation of human civilization.

So success, any domain of life, in my opinion, basically translates to establishing oneself as the leader, who would protect his followers and inspire them to be successful at their own level of existence. Ultimately, success is all about reaching a higher level of excellence and influencing others' lives for making this world a better place.

And it can happen, only when you are in the spotlight! Do you agree?