Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How Adinath Found The Purpose Of Life

Long ago I happened to meet someone in a Pub I used to visit during week-ends. 

In a short span of time I could develop very good rapport with him and at some point  asked him, ”What's the purpose of our life?

Gazing at me intently he said, ”Abhijit, it's not an easy question to answer, but let me tell you a real-life story. 

Let me share it with you as he had told me.

Abhijit, I know a person named Adinath, who had always felt lost and aimless in life. He wandered through each day feeling as though there was something missing, as though he was searching for a purpose that he could never quite grasp. 

Despite his best efforts to find meaning in his work, his relationships, and his hobbies, he could never shake the feeling that there was something more out there waiting for him.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park, he came across an old man sitting on a bench. The man had a wise and peaceful expression on his face, and Adinath felt drawn to him. 

As he sat down next to the old man, Adinath couldn't help but blurt out, "I feel lost. I don't know what my purpose in life is."

The old man smiled and nodded knowingly. "I understand," he said. "Many people feel that way at some point in their lives. But the key to finding your purpose is to look within yourself and discover what truly brings you joy and fulfillment."

Adinath was taken aback by the old man's words. He had always thought that purpose was something external, something that he had to search for outside of himself. 

But the old man's words sparked something inside him, a glimmer of hope that maybe he could find his purpose within himself.

Over the next few weeks, Adinath began to explore different aspects of his life that brought him joy. He started to pay attention to the little things that made him feel alive and connected.

Like the way the sun felt on his face in the morning or the sound of laughter from his friends. 

He realized that his purpose wasn't something grand or flashy, but rather something simple and true to himself.

As he dived deeper into this journey of self-discovery, Adinath began to let go of the expectations and pressures that had been weighing him down for so long. 

He stopped trying to fit into the mold of what society told him he should be, and instead embraced his own unique path.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park once again, he came across a group of children playing in the grass. Their laughter filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched them chase each other around. 

In that moment, he realized that his purpose in life was to bring joy and love to those around him, just like those children were doing.

From that day on, Adinath made it his mission to spread positivity and kindness wherever he went. He volunteered at the local old age home helping those in need.

In addition, he made an effort to connect with his friends and family on a deeper level. He found that the more he gave of himself, the more fulfilled he felt.

As time passed, Adinath’s new-found purpose began to shape every aspect of his life. He no longer felt lost or aimless, but rather guided by a sense of direction and meaning that he had never experienced before. 

He found that when he focused on helping others and being true to himself, everything else fell into place.

And so, Adinath learned that the true purpose of life is not something to be found outside of ourselves, but rather something that resides within each and every one of us. 

It is a journey of self-discovery and growth, of connecting with what truly matters and letting go of what doesn't. 

And in the end, he realized that the purpose of life is to simply be true to oneself and to spread love and joy to those around us.

After narrating the above story that gentleman asked for the bill, paid and left the pub immediately. Unfortunately, I never saw him there again.

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