Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Power Of Love And Hardwork

The sun had long set, casting a shadow over the home of the Sharma family. Inside, Deepika Sharma sat at the small kitchen table, staring blankly at kitchen utensils in front of her. 

Her husband Anant was out looking for work again, leaving her alone with their three young children.

Sharmas had always been a hardworking family, but lately, they had been struggling to make ends meet. 

Anant had lost his job at a auto component manufacturing factory a few months ago, and despite his best efforts, he hadn't been able to find steady employment. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Confession Of An Entrepreneur

As a Recruiter, first as an employee of one of the largest Executive Search organizations in India, and then as the Founder of one of the most popular Recruitment Firms in Delhi, at that time, I had watched from close the rise and fall of many professionals Iike me.

They thrived beyond their expectations, controlled their empire with an iron hand, and eventually fell like the Roman emperors.

I had observed from close proximity: Their success in the prime time of their career, and down-fall over the period of decades.

Most of them, while ruling over their own empire, never realized that a day will come without fail when they would have no option but to fade into oblivion.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Pains Of Losing A Loved One

As the sun set on another ordinary day, Lata couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had been growing within her for the past few weeks. 

Her husband, Chandan, had been battling cancer for few years, and despite their hopes and prayers, it seemed that the disease was slowly but surely taking him away from her.

Lata had never felt so helpless and heartbroken in her life. Chandan was not just her husband; he was her best friend, her confidant, and her rock. 

He had always been the strong one, the one who knew exactly what to say or do to lift her spirits when she was feeling down. 

But now, as she watched him waste away before her eyes, she felt utterly lost.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

5 Ways To Be A Good Person

In a world where negativity and cruelty often seem to take center stage, it can be easy to lose sight of the simple yet powerful ways we can make a positive impact on those around us. 

To be a good person doesn't require grand gestures or extravagant displays of kindness. It is often the small, everyday actions that can truly make a difference in someone's life. 

Here are five simple ways you can be a good person and spread kindness in the world:

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ratan Reclaimed His Life From An Abusive Relationship

Like most of the stories I write, this one is also based on real life incident. 

Many years ago, I was having a business dinner with the CHRO of a large organization. When during the meeting he was looking a bit depressed, I asked him the reason.

Even though he was quite reluctant to reveal the reason in the beginning; however, after some time he shared an unbelievable development that had happened with his elder son.

This story is based on the same. 

In our society, we always talk about the torture that females go through after marriage. But, unfortunately, none even dare to mention innumerable incidents of the trauma that males experience.


Infact, I am writing a novel on this issue to spread awareness in that regard.

Many more true stories of struggle and refusal to give up are in the pipeline. Keep reading my Personal Blog for the same.

Motivation, inspiration and the power to fight against Destiny's Torure are there within us. We just need to awaken that sleeping giant of resistance to not accept our black fate and fight it out until reaching the white end of the spectrum of life.

Come what may, we can't give up! Frankly speaking, living beings are not designed to give up. Otherwise, evolution wouldn't have happend.

Well, here is the story:

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Mother's Love And Sacrifice For Her Children

During my childhood, in my native place, there used to live a family of husband, wife and 3 children. They were simple people and I had never seen them interfering with their neighbours.

Husband was doing petty jobs and for supporting family wife used to work in a school and take tuitions after working hours. Her name was Ekta. Sometime I used to see her sitting outside their home in a depressed mood.

Having watched their struggle for survival from close and her emotional turmoil that I could not understand at that time, my story is based on her.

I have used my imagination to describe her state of mind and emotional struggle. Her name has been changed to maintain confidentiality.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Life Must Be Celebrated Every Moment

Human life is a precious gift from the creator. During a discussion, one of my friends asked, “Who is the creator of all living beings?”

“Very difficult to answer this question; however, living a meaningful life with purpose is what matters.” I replied.

In my opinion human life should be cherished and celebrated every moment and not squandered. 

Each and every individual is unique, with their own set of talents, dreams, and aspirations. It is important to recognize the value of human life and strive to make the most of every moment we are given.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Greatest Lessons Come From Darkest Moments

Deepak and Sudha lived in New Delhi. They had been together for five years and their love seemed unbreakable. They met in college and instantly hit it off, bonding over their shared love for art and travel. 

They were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes, but little did they know that their relationship was about to be tested in ways they never imagined.

Sudha was a successful artist, known for her beautiful paintings that captured the essence of love and passion. Deepak, on the other hand, was a rising star in the business world, with a sharp mind and a charming personality. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

How To Handle An Insecured Boss

Having spent 15 years in job with Corporate India, before becoming an entrepreneur, and few years with an extremely insecure and difficult boss to deal with, let me tell you that it demands a lot of courage and maturity to tolerate a continuous bombardment of both decent and indecent abuses and subtle insults directed from the opposite side.

This article is based on my own experiences, while working with one of the largest Indian corporations during early nineties. My boss was a science graduate and was insecured about a qualified engineer directly reporting to him. And also that of many others, who have been sharing with me their own sufferings.

Dealing with an insecured and difficult boss can be a challenging and draining experience. I know it, because I had lived that experience and frankly speaking when I remember those years now, I just tell myself: What the f**k was that?

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Let Go Of The Past

In the small town of Meerut in UP, India, lived a young woman named Diksha. She was known for her beauty and kind heart, but also for her fiery temper and stubborn nature. 

She had grown up in a loving family, surrounded by friends and admirers, but deep down she felt a sense of loneliness that she couldn't shake.

Diksha's life took a turn when she met a charming young man named Arun. From the moment they first locked eyes, there was an instant connection between them. They began dating and soon fell deeply in love. 

Arun was everything Diksha had ever wanted in a partner - kind, loving, and supportive. He made her feel whole in a way she had never felt before.

But as their relationship grew stronger, jealousy began to rear its ugly head. Diksha couldn't shake the feeling that Arun was keeping secrets from her, that he was seeing someone else behind her back. 

She tried to brush off these thoughts, telling herself that she was being paranoid. But deep down, she knew something was off.

One day, Diksha decided to confront Arun about her suspicions. He denied everything, swearing that he loved her and only her. 

Diksha wanted to believe him, but the doubt lingered in the back of her mind. She began to obsess over Arun's every move, constantly checking his phone and social media accounts for any sign of infidelity.

As the months passed, Diksha's paranoia grew into an all-consuming jealousy. She became possessive and controlling, pushing Arun away with her constant accusations and mistrust. 

Arun tried to reassure her, but it was no use. Diksha’s insecurities had taken hold, poisoning their once perfect relationship.

One night, Diksha followed Arun to a friend's place where he had claimed to be meeting some acquaintances. 

She watched from a distance as he laughed and flirted with a group of women, his arm around one of them. The sight filled her with a burning rage, and she stormed over to confront him.

"You liar!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face. "How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through?"

Arun looked stunned, his eyes wide with fear. "Diksha, please, let me explain!”

But it was too late. The anger and hurt that had been bubbling beneath the surface finally boiled over, and in a fit of rage, Diksha shoved Arun away from her. He stumbled backwards, falling to the ground with a look of shock on his face.

"I hate you," Diksha shouted, her voice filled with venom. "I trusted you, and you betrayed me. I never want to see you again."

With those words, she turned and walked away, leaving Arun behind in a cloud of dust and heartbreak.

For weeks, Diksha drowned her sorrows in alcohol and self-pity, her heart aching with the pain of betrayal. 

She had lost the man she loved, and it felt like a piece of her soul had been torn away. The days stretched on in a blur of agony and loneliness, with no end in sight.

But slowly, as the wounds began to heal, Diksha realized that she had to let go of the hatred and bitterness that consumed her. 

She couldn't continue living in the shadow of her past mistakes, letting them dictate her future. She had to move on, to forgive herself and Arun for their shared pain and agonies.

And so, with a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Diksha set out to rebuild her life. She threw herself into her work, reconnecting with old friends and rediscovering the joys of life.

And as time passed, the wounds of love, hate, and betrayal began to heal, leaving behind a stronger, wiser woman who had learned to let go of the past and embrace the future with open arms.

In the end, Diksha realized that pain and agonies were a part of life, but they didn't have to define her. Love could be found again, in unexpected places and with unexpected people. 

And though the scars of her past would always remain, they served as a reminder of the strength and resilience that lay within her, waiting to be unleashed.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Zero To Hero And Hero To Zero

Look back. Just 15 years ago. What were you? Did you ever think that you would come this far, either way, up or down in life, where you are now?

This is not a routine post, I mean, in my opinion, impractical, motivational dose, those leading you no where in reality of life.

This is a down-to-earth observation to make you understand the role Destiny plays in making you "Zero to Hero and Hero to Zero."

We must understand the DNA of our existence: We don't build our life. Destiny or Nature builds it. Our job is to help destiny makes our life better than ever.

Destiny builds our present and makes our future. We may think that we are the creator of our destiny. That's conventional belief system.

However, I apologize for disagreeing with this concept of life. We are not the creator of our destiny; rather, destiny is the creator of our life developments.

Let any spiritual Guru talk anything in this aspect of life, this is my personal, hard-earned, life-long  and pain-full experience that, we are not the creator of our destiny.

We are just the servants of destiny!

Never ignore the role of destiny in your life. She is dangerous and capable of making your life miserable.

Respect her!

Look back. Just 15 years ago. What were you? Did you ever think that you would come this far, either way, up or down, where you are now?

I am sure, you never did. Then, who made this happen? Your efforts or mistakes? Thousands like you are making better efforts and commiting grave mistakes than you.

Then, why are you in this situation. Much better than who worked harder than you to arrive at the point of life where you are or worse than those who automatically moved up the life?

Because, you are destined to be here and others; so many, much better than you, or worse, weren't.

That's the game of destiny!

Photo by Marian Balasescu on Pexel

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Desire, Strategy And Smart Work: Success

Nothing works, nothing really works in your favor, unless you have an intense Desire to make it happen in life in a big way.

Even a sky rocketing desire would lead you nowhere, unless you have a solid Strategy in place to turn your dream into reality.

And finally, neither an intense desire nor a solid strategy would make you the member of an elite club of billionaires, if you fail to identify and act upon right opportunities: Smart-work!

Life, on different platforms, is always fair to all, in terms of offering game-changing opportunities for making it big in life.

However, most of us don't recognize those opportunities. Some of us, despite recognizing, fail to turn them into stupendous success. But a few never commit such mistakes and make it huge in life through a combination of DESIRE, STRATEGY and SMART-WORK.

Remember, you're a born warrior. It's only the worst circumstances that makes you look inferior in a given time. Since you can't change an unfavorable situation, why not transform yourself to a fighter who never believes in giving up until making it happen.

Accept, and live with no pains and complaints, every wound that life has inflicted upon you; look at every misery as a trophy that destiny has offered you; and remember that you have a point to prove to yourself.

All these words and sentences that I have written so far in this blog are not my assumptions, but truly reflect what I had experienced -- while making a successful turn around from deep within a financial grave not so long ago.

You must remember that 'something never comes from nothing.' So, if you're targeting extra-ordinary success, you must invest extra-ordinary efforts in for achieving the same. Are you ready to do it?

Image Credit: Joshua Miranda

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Amazing Dance In The Moonlit Night

"Come on, come on, move fast," a high-pitched voice was getting closer every moment. It was around 11 O'clock in the night and most of the students at freshers Hostel were relaxing. Suddenly there was chaos in the whole hostel with dozens of senior students pouring in from nowhere and directing all newcomers to the terrace.

"What happened," I asked a senior. "Why are you taking us there, and what are you going to do with us?"

"Look, we are going to play night cricket over there, and trust me, it would be quite interesting to play." He said, laughing loudly.

Just a few days into the hostel, I was utterly confused as to what was going to happen next and, without further questioning, decided to follow his instruction.

It was a moonlit night!

With more than a hundred boys occupying a space that can barely accommodate even half of that, the confusion was complete. Suddenly one of the seniors raised his voice demanding complete silence, followed by an astonishing instruction from another, "Hey guys, form pairs and remember that one will act as a male and the other as a female."

A few started murmuring in protest, but they were immediately silenced by carefully planted slaps on their face. Obviously, without further resistance, rest of the boys followed that awesome instruction.

What happened next, still amuses me the most: Everyone of us were asked to form a pair and start dancing. My partner happened to be a dark and lanky fellow from South India, who is now the Managing Director of an MNC.

Dancing in the moonlight could be a fantastic idea, but never with the same sex. However, we had no option but to continue and often with a few slaps on the back for getting closer to our partners. I'm sure, most of the boys, interestingly paired, did enjoy the game, but for a few it was a nightmare.

The amusement continued for an hour with all of us gradually adapting to the situation, perhaps enjoying it too. Seniors were keeping close watch on the quality of dance and to impress them some of the boys even started treating their partners as real females. And, my own partner was one of them!

Then I heard someone shouting loud, 'Stop it, stop it!'

'Oh my God, it's warden,' said my partner. Instantly bell broke loose, with juniors jostling against each other and seniors running for cover. Warden was not alone, in fact he had brought a few staff members also with him and they were standing at the sole entrance/exit point.

Suddenly the predators turned prey and to avoid getting caught red-handed some of them didn't hesitate to try an otherwise impossible escape route: Jumping onto the extended part of the windows at floors down below.

Most of them managed to escape, but a few who couldn't were threatened with dire consequences and were asked to report to the Principal's office next morning.

With dust settling down, warden asked us to go back to our rooms and report to him the occurrence of any such incident in future without fail. Overall it was an amazing experience of an unique combination of fear and entertainment, but it would be inappropriate to say that we didn't enjoy it.

'College days' is perhaps the best period of a student's life, especially for a hosteler, in terms of learning a few unforgettable lessons. I'm sure, that adds tremendous values to one's ability to facing lif e's ruthless side with a never give up attitude.

Image credit: Janko Ferlic 

Friday, March 31, 2023

Likings Never Die!

When you start liking someone, do you ever try to find out the reason behind: Why you like that person? No, you don't. Because, liking is the manifestation of a unique shade of your emotional existence and it doesn't follow a definite criteria.

Well, over a period of time, through mutual interactions, you may find that person to be quite different than what you initially thought about. Still, in all probability, you continue with your liking, because, frankly speaking, you don't know why you do so.

The degree of liking or emotional attachment that you develop with that person is mostly determined by your initial assessment of his/her personality and, in most of the cases, it doesn't undergo any major change even if things go wrong in course of time.

Even in extreme case, consciously it might look otherwise as you start believing that you don't like that person any more. But, subconsciously you may never do so -- unless she/he makes your life miserable in some way or the other, and that rarely happens.

The journey from liking to disliking a person is a mammoth task that requires an unbelievable amount of demotivation. In my opinion, very few people are strong enough to make it a reality unless they are abnormally strong.

Remember, the feelings are no way similar to those computer applications that you run according to your external thoughts but are governed by your internal perception and that rarely changes.

I truly believe that likings never die, but remain in a remote corner of your heart even if you refuse to accept its existence. Love and liking, in two different ways, are nothing but a strong sense of attachment between two individuals; once formed, difficult to erase completely!

Love is blind, they say, and many of you might have experienced it as well in your personal life. So is Liking! The bright color of love and liking may fade away over a period of time due to several reasons, sometime beyond one's control; however, the structure, even if naked, would remain there inside your mind, always!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Unbelievable Sufferings

What I am posting is extremely controversial, but blatant truth as well.

It's about the subject of my next book.

Long ago I met a guy in a pub I used to visit frequently. During several rounds of discussions, he narrated his life story to me.

He got married to the girl he loved. However, after few years of marriage, his wife turned violent and often used to beat him up during every hot discussion.

Later he found that she was suffering from schizophrenia and had a disturbed childhood due to toxic family environment.

He told me in details about his life. How, inspite of being beaten up, regularly, during every hot discussion, he could not divorce her because he never wanted his sons to grow up without their father.

I think, the world should know that it's not only wives who are beaten up, but husbands too.

I did some research on that and came to know that in urban society it happens quite often, even though forbidden to discuss about the same.

Males don't speak out and just keep suffering. This is an important issue and must be brought into the notice of millions of common people like us.

Well, of course with a solution. Even though I don't know what happened to him. He stopped coming to the pub after a year.

To convert this real life story into a novel, I would have to do a lot of research on various psychology theories.

I am willing to do so. However, don't really know if I would be able present his sufferings to the world and that of many through my book.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

How I Am Applying Incremental Changes In My Life!

Reading this book - The Atomic Habits - and applying its wisdom in my life, I am developing so many good habits: Walking for 1 hour everyday, walking up early morning to name a few. 

I am truly thankful to James Clear for making me understand the importance of small and tiny changes on continuous basis for bringing about a huge change in every domain of life.

I had tried quitting alcohol several times in my life, including a recent attempt, but failed.

However, applying his principle of tiny improvements, I have reduced the quantity of consumption and eliminated the consequences of over-drinking.

Now, instead of 4/5 pegs, I consume 3 pegs. Next step is to reduce it to 2 pegs only, which, in fact, is good for health.

We can achieve anything in life, provided we apply the right tool and technique for the same.

Can we access internet without right tool, that is a device, and a technology/technique, that is internet browser?


The same applies to our life as well. We can not improve the quality of body, mind and soul, and finally the quality of living, without help from appropriate right facilatator of the same.

Can we break a stone by hand? No. But, we can do that with a hammer. Isn't it?

Can we break stone by hitting it once. No. We have to keep hitting it. Those every hit is a small attempt towards finally breaking it into many pieces. 

We may not notice the result of every hit on the surface of the stone, but every hit makes some tiny changes in the resistance of the rock and after many hits, one final hit breaks it into pieces.

That is the power of incorporating small efforts for achieving great improvements in life.

Yes, it is painful. It is agonizing. But, we don't conquer the summit of Everest without fighting against the fury of nature and unbearable pains while executing the process of climbing up.

Once you read The Atomic Habits and learn to apply its principles in your life, the way I am doing, I will suggest another book.

That book has taught me about the steps involved in achieving the impossible. I have already started applying the suggestions and getting good results.

So, for the time being, focus on digesting the wisdom offered by James Clear, apply to your life and prepare yourself for the next step - A Journey Toward Stupendous Success In Life.

Through out my life I had tried many a times to walk for an hour everyday. But I failed to continue with same. 

After reading Atomic Habits, I started with the concepts of incremental improvements - I walked for 10 minutes a few days. Then added 10 more minutes for next few days.....till I reach 1 hour. 

What appeared an impossible task has become so easy, as I could successfully made it a habit by repititions.

Even now, I don't walk an hour at a stretch. I do it in 3 instalments of 20 minutes.

However, very soon I would do it in one shot.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Is Your Dream Brutally Assassinated?

Can we walk over brutally assassinated dreams of living a normal life?

Can we forgive destiny for snatching away our fundamental emotional rights?

Can we stop blaming others for not letting us live the life we deserve to live?

Can we own up the responsibility of our own life?

I think, we can. Even though, it is extremely difficult.

It is painful to admit that none but we ourselves are responsible for every situation being created in our lives.

None but we ourselves are the culprits for making our life miserable.

Because, we don't know how to handle our Ego for construction of the foundation of a good life.

Our Ego doesn't allow us to think impartially and arrive at a conclusive conclusion.

Ego tells us, we are right and others are wrong.

Ego misguides us, because Ego survives and thrives out of negativity most of the time.

However, there is a remote possibility of ruling over the conventional verdicts of Ego and take charge of our life.

And that can happen with an unconditional acceptance that we make our life through our choices and decisions.

We can't blame others for the choices we made and can't hold others accountable for our own decisions.

We must own up the consequences of wrong choices and bad decisions.

At the same time, we also should realise a simple fact that we don't control external influences on our life.

There is no point breaking our heads on what we don't control.

Rather, we must focus on what we do control.

In fact, we must concentrate on how we respond to our life situations.

Life is a battle-field of war between situations and responses.

If we respond positively, and with a never give up attitude, we would win the war.

Image Credit: Madhurima Kar

Saturday, January 23, 2021

You Are The God Yourself!

None boards a sinking ship in the journey of life, everyone bows down to the power of drive.

All Happiness lessons are fine in black and white print, but a warrior decides his destiny during a battle stint.

Walking the path of fire if you taste the blood of victory, you would always be remembered imortally through the history.

Decide to choose or choose to decide, where do you wish to reside?

Fading into the obscurity of nothingness after death, or being remembered as a winner before taking the final breath!

Put your best efforts into running the race of life again and again, never get tired or rest even if you kiss the limits of your pain.

Look into the mirror and tell yourself, come what may I would prove myself.

Most of us get motivated for a while only and remain ordinary in life, only a few cut through the challenges with the sharpness of a knife.

Look within and wake up the sleeping giant of action, to celebrate stupendous success in the limitless horizon.

You are the creator of your existence, purpose and its justification, you are the child of nothing but your imagination.

You are the God of your Destiny, you are the God of your life and you are the God himself or herself in yourself!

Image Credit: Madhurima Kar

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Live Life At Full Potential!

I met him in one of my favorite pubs: The Orient Tavern, Vasant Kunj. I still vividly remember it.

I was sitting in a corner table, drinking my favorite brand. He was trying to be comfortable in the adjacent table.

I looked at him and said, "Hi."

He replied with the same word and equal enthusiasm, but with a strange sadness in his eyes.

"I am Abhijit, what's your name?" I took the discussion forward.

During the next couple of hours, there, in that pub, while gulping down several pegs of Whiskey with that stranger in late night hours, I realized that learnings in life might come from the most unexpected situations.

Light in the restaurant was dim. Music in the background was like whispers. Me and he were intensely involved in conversation.

"Abhijit, don't ever fool yourself in the name of sacrifice. Don't ever spoil your life for nothing. Your life is precious, and you must live it at full potential." 

I could see the pains of life and notice the sufferings of being alive - in his eyes. It was scary for me, as if someone from the heaven was talking to me.

Before leaving the restaurant, he told me what I still remember: Abhijit, live your emotion, embrace your feelings and celebrate your helplessness - never bother about the reaction of others. Let them think, anything!

Image Credit: Madhurima Kar

Friday, January 1, 2021

Are You A Survivor Or A Warrior?

"The Devil whispered in my ear, 'You're not strong enough to withstand the storm.' Today I whispered in the Devil's ear, "I am the storm.'" -Unknown

I am not a professional Life Management Coach. I am not even a feather to any cap of excellence. I am a common person, who could come out of acute depression on his own without taking any external help. 

I did it by reprogramming my belief system with the help of knowledge I had gathered from reading 50 plus books and practicing the lessons learned. 

I did it by removing the weeds of negativity from the fertile soil of my subconscious mind and planting the seeds of positivity. 

I did it all alone, while fighting against the torture of destiny at the age of 56. I am 58 now, and ready to fight it out to reclaim my old glory and fame. 

No situation, no compulsion and no circumstance can force you bowing your head down, unless you yourself give up and decide to surrender. 

This post is addressed to those warriors of life, who are facing the extinction of hope. 

Endure the worst. 

Doing anything and everything to remain alive is your duty, responsibility and commitment to none but yourself. 

Life rewards those, who negotiate the pitch-dark tunnel of failure without losing hope for finding the way out through hard work and perseverance. 

Fight it out! 

Be a warrior!