Monday, November 16, 2020

The Story Of A Man And An Exotic Bird!

“Sometimes the longest journey we make is the sixteen inches from our heads to our hearts.” – Elena Avila, author 

Surfing through the surging waves of life developments, often we forget about a few important lessons learned long back, from our parents, from our teachers and from our own life experiences. 

Our life journey might turn out to be an interesting exploration of several unknown terrains of uncertainty and unpredictability, if we follow those principles that define a meaningful and purposeful existence. 

Telling a compelling story, in the following video, Swami Gaur Gopal Das reminds us about 3 eternal droplets of knowledge and wisdom from the nectar of Supreme Consciousness. These are:


  1. Absolutely true Swamiji ..great lesson for everyone and is very practicle in our daily life .
