Sunday, October 22, 2023

Surrender To Cosmic Force For A Blissful Life

What we are looking outside is already existing inside. I am talking about peace of mind. Peace is not a piece of being better than the rest within your circle of influence. It is the totality of accepting life developments unfolding before us without having any control over the same.

One of my friends called me up the other day. He has been a great corporate performer. A hugely successful professional. Just a few months ago his mother had been diagnosed with Cancer and a month ago his wife with the need for dialysis every alternate day. Worst is, he has been asked to resign from the current job.

We don't have and neither will have any idea about the pains and agonies he is going through right now, unless we ourselves have experienced the same. That's why we never understand the behavior of others, since we have no idea about what might have triggered the same in their life.

We are always judgmental in a negative way and that was a fundamental tool for survival for the fittest in the "Stone Age." In the "Information Age," can't we be judgemental in a positive way? Can't we ask ourselves a simple question: "I need to know, why the way they are behaving the way they're." Even though the best option is being non-judgmental.

I don't wish to get into the details of threat perception and how our ancestors used it to their advantage to ensure their survival and keep alive the process of evolution to what we are today. They did it unknowingly. However, we must not repeat the same knowingly, as the situation now is entirely different than what it used to be. Evolution must go on, but not without knowledge.

What's happening around the world now is so negative in terms of living a decent life, and last but not the least --  destruction of so many souls. whose fault? We have no idea! But it is happening with so many and there is no guarantee that it won't happen in our lives too.

Going back to the real story of my friend, as mentioned above, I can only assume that there is a force beyond our understanding, I call it Cosmic Force, which is controlling our life developments. There is no scientific evidence so far to prove it, but we feel it.

However, to conclude, let me tell you that while practicing Kriya Meditation on daily basis, propagated through out the world by Paramhansa Swami Yoganand, I have realized that the only way to face all adversities of life with unrelenting courage and then achieve a permanent peace of mind is by accepting the consequences of unfolding situations being countered by with our Karmic weapons of action without any expectation of the result.

Never forget that it's your life and you have every right to live it the way you want it. Don't surrender to any humans in your Personal and Professional life, but to that cosmic force that has already devised a plan for you in this life of yours and many more lives ahead. That's is the only way to live a meaningful and purposeful life for attaining a blissful state of true happiness.

1 comment:

  1. This what you have excellently elucidated should be followed by all of us. Problem is we humans capitulate to the fear of unknown & also when everything goes in our favour take others for granted . I think we should try & overcome the fear of unknown & practice empathy on a daily basis. Easier said than done! Q
