Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why Mukul Surrendered To The Laws Of Nature


We humans often think that we are in control of our own destinies. We believe that we can shape our lives however we please, make our own decisions, and control our own fates.

However, there is a force much stronger than us, a force that has been around long before we were born and will continue to exist long after we are gone. This force is the Laws of Nature.

The Laws of Nature is the natural order of the world, the rules that govern the universe and everything in it. It is the force that governs the developments in the life of every species, keeps the planets in orbit, the tides ebbing and flowing, and the seasons changing. It is a powerful and unyielding force, one that cannot be ignored or defied.

One of my childhood friends Mukul found himself face to face with the power of the Laws of Nature. He was a successful businessman, used to getting his own way and making things happen on his own terms. He believed that he was in control of his own destiny, that he could shape his life however he pleased.

Then one day Mukul’s world came crashing down around him. His business deals went on getting canceled by the clients. Mukul was unable to understand the reason behind. It went on happening and, despite Mukul trying his best to recover as quickly as possible, his life went out of control as if a script was being played out.

Within a year Mukul was devastated, feeling lost and helpless in the face of this overwhelming force of destiny. He went bankrupt and had to sell his bungalow also to pay off the creditors. In fact, he was struggling to arrange food and shelter for self and family.

As he wandered through the wreckage of his former life, Mukul realized that he could not fight against the power of the Laws of Nature. He could not change what had happened, no matter how hard he tried. He had to surrender to the forces that were greater than him, to accept that he was just a small part of a much larger world.

Slowly, maybe after a year, Mukul began to rebuild his life, brick by brick, accepting that he could not control everything that happened to him. He began to see the beauty in the world around him and learned to surrender to the power of the Laws of Nature, to accept that there were forces at work in the world that were beyond his control.

And in that surrender, Mukul found a sense of peace and acceptance that he had never known before. He realized that he was just a small part of a much larger whole, a piece of a puzzle that was constantly evolving and changing.

Mukul started living his life in harmony with the Laws of Nature. He no longer fought against the forces that were greater than him, but instead embraced them and allowed them to guide him on his journey. 

While surrendering, without trying to manipulate the situations in his life, he found a sense of freedom and wholeness that he had never experienced before.

Mukul realized that surrendering to the power of the Laws of Nature was not a sign of weakness, but of strength. It was a recognition of the interconnectedness of all things, an awareness that we are all bound together in the web of life.

Sitting in the balcony of his small rented apartment, where he lived with his family, Mukul looked out at the world around him. He saw the beauty and wonder of nature in a way that he had never seen before. Mukul saw the power and majesty of the forces that governed the universe, and he felt a sense of awe and reverence for the world that he was a part of.

Since then Mukul lived out in peace and harmony with the Laws of Nature, grateful for the lessons that he had learned and the wisdom that had come from surrendering to a force much greater than himself.

Photo by Garon Piceli

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