Monday, April 22, 2024

How The Power Of Hope Changed Amit's Life

As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the countryside, the small town of Ranipur began to stir. Birds chirped cheerfully in the trees, and the residents went about their daily routines with a sense of purpose and hope in their hearts.

One such person was Amit, a young man with big dreams and even bigger aspirations. He had grown up in Ranipur, a place where opportunities were scarce and success seemed like an unattainable dream. 

But Amit refused to let his circumstances define his future. He believed in the power of hope, in the idea that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

How Abhijit Successfully Handled Dirty Office Politics

During my 15 years of career with Corporate India in different organizations, I could never understand the game of politics in the office. Sometimes the frank opinion I had shared with a colleague about my boss was communicated to him in no time.

Today when I look back, I realize that who I used to trust most were the messengers. This breach of trust meant nothing to them as they were perhaps the members of an alliance in the organization. Their belief system was all about survival and prosperity in the organization, not by hardwork and performance but by crushing their self-respect happily.

The following story is based on the successful attempt by one of my colleagues, in one of the organizations I had worked for few years, with regard to his determination to avoid swimming in the murky water of office politics and focus on performance. Well, he did so well that top management gave him an out-of-turn promotion.

Greatest Lessons Come From Darkest Moments

Deepak and Sudha lived in New Delhi. They had been together for five years and their love seemed unbreakable. They met in college and instantly hit it off, bonding over their shared love for art and travel. 

They were the perfect couple in everyone's eyes, but little did they know that their relationship was about to be tested in ways they never imagined.

Sudha was a successful artist, known for her beautiful paintings that captured the essence of love and passion. Deepak, on the other hand, was a rising star in the business world, with a sharp mind and a charming personality. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

How To Handle An Insecured Boss

Having spent 15 years in job with Corporate India, before becoming an entrepreneur, and few years with an extremely insecure and difficult boss to deal with, let me tell you that it demands a lot of courage and maturity to tolerate a continuous bombardment of both decent and indecent abuses and subtle insults directed from the opposite side.

This article is based on my own experiences, while working with one of the largest Indian corporations during early nineties. My boss was a science graduate and was insecured about a qualified engineer directly reporting to him. And also that of many others, who have been sharing with me their own sufferings.

Dealing with an insecured and difficult boss can be a challenging and draining experience. I know it, because I had lived that experience and frankly speaking when I remember those years now, I just tell myself: What the f**k was that?

How Anand Built A Great Career

In the bustling city of Gurgaon, a young man named Anand was determined to make a name for himself in the world of marketing. With a passion for creativity and a drive for success, he set out on a journey to build a great career.

Anand started his career working as an intern at a small marketing firm, where he learned the ins and outs of the industry. 

He soaked up knowledge like a sponge, absorbing everything he could from his mentors and colleagues. Anand quickly realized that in order to excel in his career, he needed to be proactive and take on new challenges.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Ravi's Battle Against Destiny's Torture

Ravi's life has never been easy. From a young age, he has faced challenges that seemed insurmountable. Born into a broken home, Ravi never knew the love and care of both parents. 

His father struggled with addiction, leaving  to fend for himself most of the time. As a result, he grew up quickly, taking on responsibilities far beyond his years.

Despite his difficult upbringing, Ravi was determined to make something of himself. He excelled in school, earning top grades and scholarships to prestigious universities. 

But just as he was about to embark on his journey to a brighter future, tragedy struck. A car accident claimed the lives of both his parents, leaving Ravi completely alone in the world.

Handle Depressed People With Love And Care

Having experienced a major condition of depression myself for a year atleast, many years ago, I wish none goes through such painful torture of life ever. When severely depressed, one loses interest in living and isolate themselves from the rest of the world. Every minute turns into a year and the desire to remain alive simply disappear.

I managed to come out of it without any medical support, because my family went out of the way to help me recover and I kept on reading the biographies of renowned personalities. Those books taught me how one can gather enough courage to cope up with the adversities of life.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The True Power Comes From Within

Not so long ago, in a small village nestled in the lush green valleys of the Himalayas, lived a young boy named Mihir. 

Mihir was a dreamer, always fascinated by the majestic mountains that surrounded his village. 

He would often spend hours gazing at the snow-capped peaks, imagining all the adventures that awaited him beyond the village.

Mihir's family was poor, and opportunities for education and career advancement were scarce in the village. But Mihir was undeterred. 

He was determined to break free from the constraints of his circumstances and make something of himself. 

And so, he turned to his greatest source of inspiration - his grandmother.

Mihir's grandmother, Tulsi, was a wise and kind soul. She had seen her fair share of struggles and hardships in life, but her spirit remained unbroken. 

Tulsi was a firm believer in the power of perseverance and self-belief. She would often tell Mihir that the only limits in life are the ones we place on ourselves.

One day, as Mihir sat with his grandmother overlooking the valley, she told him a story. 

It was a tale of a young prince who was born into a kingdom plagued by darkness and despair. 

The prince grew up surrounded by doubt and fear, but he harbored a deep yearning for something more, something greater.

One day, the prince decided to embark on a quest to find the source of light that would banish the darkness from his kingdom. 

He traveled far and wide, facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. 

But he never wavered in his determination, for he knew that within him lay the power to overcome any adversity.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, the prince reached the mystical city of light. 

There, he discovered that the source of light was not an external force, but his own indomitable spirit. 

The prince realized that true power comes from within, and that he possessed the strength and courage to bring about change in his kingdom.

As Tulsi finished the story, she looked into Mihir's eyes and said, "My dear child, you are like that young prince. You have the power to illuminate the darkest corners of your life with the light of your own dreams and aspirations. Do not let anyone or anything dim the brightness of your spirit."

Mihir was deeply moved by his grandmother's words. He felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination burning within him. 

He realized that his dreams were not just distant fantasies, but achievable goals that he could strive towards with unwavering faith and resilience.

From that day on, Mihir dedicated himself to his studies and personal growth. 

He devoured books on a wide range of subjects, eager to expand his knowledge and broaden his horizons. 

He took on odd jobs in the village to save money for further education, determined to carve out a path for himself that would lead to a brighter future.

Years passed, and Mihir's hard work and perseverance paid off. He earned a scholarship to study at a prestigious university in Delhi, where he excelled in his academics and extracurricular activities. 

His passion for learning and his unwavering commitment to his goals inspired those around him, and he became a source of inspiration for the younger generations in his village.

Today, Mihir is a successful entrepreneur, running his own business that supports sustainable development projects in rural communities. 

He often returns to his village, where he shares his story with the children and encourages them to dream big and never give up on their aspirations.

And as he stands on the mountain-top, overlooking the valley that was once his home, Mihir knows that the true source of inspiration and motivation lies within each of us - waiting to be ignited by the fire of our dreams and nurtured by the unwavering belief in our own potential.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

How Vandana Loved And Cared For Helpless Souls

The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon as Vandana made her way down the small, winding road that led to the quaint little Old-Age-Home, where she had been working as a caregiver for the past six months. 

She had always been drawn to helping others, and she found immense fulfillment in being able to assist the elderly residents who lived in the small community.

As she approached the bunglow, Vandana could see Mr. Jaishankar, the oldest resident in the home, sitting in the hall with a cup of steaming hot tea in hand. 

Mr. Jaishankar was a eighty seven year old man with a twinkle in his eye and a quick wit that never failed to bring a smile to Vandana's face.

"Good morning, Mr. Jaishankar," Vandana greeted him as she walked up the steps to the porch. "How are you feeling today?"

Mr. Jaishankar looked up at her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Vandana. I'm feeling just fine, thank you. Just enjoying this beautiful morning."

Vandana took a seat next to him and handed him a Dosa that she had made earlier that morning. Mr. Jaishankar took a bite with delight, savoring the taste of the same.

As they sat on the hall, chatting about the day ahead, Vandana couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to spend time with Mr. Jaishankar and the other residents of the Old Age Home. 

She knew that for many elderly people, loneliness and isolation were all too common, and she was determined to do everything in her power to make sure that they felt loved and cared for.

After breakfast, Vandana began her daily rounds, checking in on each resident to make sure they had everything they needed. 

She helped Mrs. Gayatri with her medications, assisted Mr. Narender with his morning exercises, and sat with Mrs. Sandhya as she shared stories from her youth.

As the day went on, Vandana found herself engaging in a variety of activities with the residents, from playing cards to reading aloud from their favorite books. 

She knew that keeping their minds and bodies active was essential to their overall well-being, and she was always on the lookout for new ways to stimulate their senses and spark their creativity.

One afternoon, Vandana decided to organize a painting session for the residents. She set up easels in the backyard, along with an array of paints and brushes, and encouraged everyone to let their imaginations run wild. 

Mr. Jaishankar, who had always had a passion for art, eagerly picked up a brush and began to paint a beautiful landscape scene.

As Vandana watched him work, she felt a surge of admiration for his talent and determination. 

She knew that it was moments like these that made her job so rewarding – the opportunity to see the residents come alive with passion and joy, despite the challenges that age had brought upon them.

As the sun began to set, Vandana gathered the residents in the dining room for their dinner. They sat around the table, sharing stories and laughter as they enjoyed a delicious meal that Vandana had prepared earlier in the day. 

It was moments like these – simple, yet profound – that reminded Vandana of the importance of her work.

As the night fell and the residents settled into their beds, Vandana made her way to her own room in the bunglow. She felt a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as she reflected on the day's events. 

She knew that caring for the elderly was not always easy – it required patience, compassion, and a willingness to go above and beyond – but she also knew that it was one of the most rewarding experiences she had ever had.

As she drifted off to sleep, Vandana made a silent vow to continue her work with the elderly residents for as long as she was able to. 

She knew that their wisdom, their humor, and their enduring spirit had touched her in ways she could never have imagined, and she was grateful for the opportunity to give back to them in any way she could.

And so, as the moon shone down on the quiet little bunglow, Vandana closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by the peacefulness and serenity of the night, knowing that she was exactly where she was supposed to be – taking care of the precious souls who had taught her more about love and kindness than she could have ever hoped to learn on her own.

How Adinath Found The Purpose Of Life

Long ago I happened to meet someone in a Pub I used to visit during week-ends. 

In a short span of time I could develop very good rapport with him and at some point  asked him, ”What's the purpose of our life?

Gazing at me intently he said, ”Abhijit, it's not an easy question to answer, but let me tell you a real-life story. 

Let me share it with you as he had told me.

Abhijit, I know a person named Adinath, who had always felt lost and aimless in life. He wandered through each day feeling as though there was something missing, as though he was searching for a purpose that he could never quite grasp. 

Despite his best efforts to find meaning in his work, his relationships, and his hobbies, he could never shake the feeling that there was something more out there waiting for him.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park, he came across an old man sitting on a bench. The man had a wise and peaceful expression on his face, and Adinath felt drawn to him. 

As he sat down next to the old man, Adinath couldn't help but blurt out, "I feel lost. I don't know what my purpose in life is."

The old man smiled and nodded knowingly. "I understand," he said. "Many people feel that way at some point in their lives. But the key to finding your purpose is to look within yourself and discover what truly brings you joy and fulfillment."

Adinath was taken aback by the old man's words. He had always thought that purpose was something external, something that he had to search for outside of himself. 

But the old man's words sparked something inside him, a glimmer of hope that maybe he could find his purpose within himself.

Over the next few weeks, Adinath began to explore different aspects of his life that brought him joy. He started to pay attention to the little things that made him feel alive and connected.

Like the way the sun felt on his face in the morning or the sound of laughter from his friends. 

He realized that his purpose wasn't something grand or flashy, but rather something simple and true to himself.

As he dived deeper into this journey of self-discovery, Adinath began to let go of the expectations and pressures that had been weighing him down for so long. 

He stopped trying to fit into the mold of what society told him he should be, and instead embraced his own unique path.

One day, as Adinath was walking through the park once again, he came across a group of children playing in the grass. Their laughter filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched them chase each other around. 

In that moment, he realized that his purpose in life was to bring joy and love to those around him, just like those children were doing.

From that day on, Adinath made it his mission to spread positivity and kindness wherever he went. He volunteered at the local old age home helping those in need.

In addition, he made an effort to connect with his friends and family on a deeper level. He found that the more he gave of himself, the more fulfilled he felt.

As time passed, Adinath’s new-found purpose began to shape every aspect of his life. He no longer felt lost or aimless, but rather guided by a sense of direction and meaning that he had never experienced before. 

He found that when he focused on helping others and being true to himself, everything else fell into place.

And so, Adinath learned that the true purpose of life is not something to be found outside of ourselves, but rather something that resides within each and every one of us. 

It is a journey of self-discovery and growth, of connecting with what truly matters and letting go of what doesn't. 

And in the end, he realized that the purpose of life is to simply be true to oneself and to spread love and joy to those around us.

After narrating the above story that gentleman asked for the bill, paid and left the pub immediately. Unfortunately, I never saw him there again.